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"Son of a-"

"Harry!" Zayn warned, giving him a look.

Harry's jaw was clenched, and he looked down, lifting his foot to see a Lego stuck to the bottom.

"Sorry Harry." Niall winced.

"I told you to pick these up hours ago." Harry said, prying the Lego off.

"I know, I forgot." Niall lied, going back to the video game he was playing.

Harry sighed heavily, limping over to his chair and sitting down.

"You're supposed to clean your toys up before you start doing something else. You're eight years old now, you know better." Zayn said to his son.

"Yeah." Niall said, ignoring him.

"Daddy." A little voice whined, her small feet padding along the floor as she came into the room.

"Oh, someone's awake." Harry said, smiling at her.

Three years ago she was brought into the world, and had been nothing but spoiled ever since.

Harry and Zayn named her Claire after arguing about her name for a while.

Zayn never knew how much he wanted a little girl until he had one.

She was the easiest baby, hardly ever crying or causing any kind of fuss.

Maybe because Niall always tried his best to make her laugh.

He still did.

The two of them got along perfectly, only ever having a few little arguments.

If Niall wanted to go outside and dig for bugs or get muddy, Claire would be right there with him.

"Did you sleep good baby girl?" Harry asked her, helping her into his lap.

She hummed in response, pushing her wild black curls out of her face.

Her hair was a curse to brush.

"Wan juice." She pouted.

"What do you say?" Zayn asked before Harry could get up to carry her into the kitchen.

"Please." She said weakly, like she was dying with juice.

"Let's go get some juice and a snack." Harry said, getting up.

"Can I have a snack too?" Niall asked, pausing his game.

"So now we have your attention." Zayn said, giving him a look.

Niall grinned, and Zayn grabbed him, tickling him.

"Daddy no!" Niall called out, quickly squirming away from him.

"Get in the kitchen before I tickle the breath out of you." Zayn warned, making Niall laugh and run into the kitchen.

"Does kitty gets a snack too papa?" Claire asked, looking down at the fat cat that lived with them now.

Ed's music career took off like a rocket, which meant he was always on the road and didn't have time to properly take care of the cat anymore.

Harry was happy to let Stewart stay with them, while Zayn was hesitant at first.

Now he loved the cat just as much as the rest of his family did.

Zayn really enjoyed the way Stewart would practically body slam his legs when he stood at the counter making coffee in the morning.

The only reason Stewart ever showed anyone any type of affection was because he wanted food.

The body slamming meant he was starving.

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