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"Lou." Zayn sighed when he finally made it to his hospital room.

Louis looked at him with tired eyes.

Zayn rushed in and over to the bed. "I'm so sorry." He said, not sure what else to say.

Louis stared off into space. "I guess it wasn't meant to be."

"Just when I started to want it, it was taken from me."

"I'd really started to adjust to the idea, you know? Even if it was such a short amount of time. I thought, hey, maybe this is how things are supposed to work out." He said, beginning to tear up.

"I'm sorry Lou-"

"It was awful." Louis continued.

"I'll never forget the pain. Not just down there but in my chest when they told me what happened. God it hurts so bad." He began to cry.

Zayn bit his lip, resting his hand on Louis' shoulder. "Um, listen I can keep Niall for a couple weekends while you heal."

"I don't want him to see me like this, Zayn. I don't have enough strength to put on a happy face anymore. I don't think I will for a long time." Louis said quietly.

"I-I know it feels that way now but maybe in the future-"

"Liam was ready to come back. He told me he'd come back and support me. What am I supposed to do now?"

"Tell him what happened." Zayn shrugged.

"What if the thinks it was all a stunt?" Louis asked weakly.

"You're the one in pain, why do you care what he thinks?" Zayn scoffed.

"Because I don't want to be alone. I wish he'd come back and help me through this. But I know when I tell him the baby is gone he won't care anymore." Louis said sadly.

"How do you know? You told me you were surprised when he said he'd come back in the first place. It was his baby too, he deserves to know." Zayn said, suddenly feeling nauseated.

Not now, he thought.

He pulled up a chair, sitting down and hoping the feeling passed.

"I just feel like it's all hopeless now." Louis said.

Zayn looked at him. "Well it isn't. Call him, Lou. If he doesn't come down here to at least talk to you in person and be here with you during this then....he truly is cold hearted."

Louis sniffed, staring off into space.

"Call him now." Zayn suggested.

"Fine." Louis said, figuring by now he truly had nothing to lose.

Zayn sat there, watching Louis' face as he called.

"Lou?" Liam answered as if he hadn't been expecting the call.

"Hey." Louis said quietly.

"It's so late, why are you calling me?" Liam yawned.

Louis swallowed, glancing at Zayn.

"I-I need you."

"You need me?" Liam asked, wondering if Louis was half asleep.

"I lost the baby, Liam." Louis forced himself to say.

Liam was silent for a long time, making Louis nervous.

"Are you in the hospital? Are you...have-have you been looked at and you're going to be okay?" He asked.

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