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The next morning as Harry woke up, his head was throbbing.

He instantly frowned, whining a little and trying to remember what the hell he did last night.

Whatever it was, Harry knew that he still had to go to work today, so he needed to get up and start nursing his hangover.

As he tried to move his arm to sit up, he felt something around his wrist.

He also felt something tickling his chin, and he immediately opened his eyes.

Zayn was snuggled up against him, his head rested on Harry's upper chest.

When Harry's brain and body finally became aware, and he realized that he and Zayn were both naked, he then knew what had happened.

"Oh no." He said, blinking a few times, hoping this was a dream.

"Zayn," Harry began, lifting his arm that wasn't under Zayn's body to nudge him.

"Hm?" Zayn grunted.

"Wake up." Harry said, slowly sitting up.

Zayn clung to him, the sudden movement making him dizzy.

"What happened?" He mumbled, eventually sitting up on his own.

"We..." Harry trailed off, lifting his wrist and seeing that it was handcuffed to Zayn's.

Zayn looked at it as well before they looked at each other.

"We what, Harry?" Zayn asked, feeling concerned.

"I-I didn't do this." Harry said, looking back at the cuffs.

Zayn just then realized that he was naked, and without even moving he could feel how sore his bum was.

"I think we broke the rules last night." He said, wanting to laugh regardless of his head ache.

Harry looked past their cuffed wrists, seeing a note taped to the headboard.

Hid the keys in a silly place. Thanks for waking me up at 2am xx

"He acts as if I don't have handcuff keys." Harry scoffed while Zayn turned and read the note.

"C'mon." Harry said, moving to get up.

"W-Wait," Zayn said, clinging to the duvet that was covering his naked body.

"I...where are my clothes?" He asked.

"Dunno. Why?" Harry frowned.

"I'm naked. I can't just...get up." Zayn said, staring at him.

"Ed's gone to work, and Stewart doesn't care." Harry said.

"Yeah? Well I care." Zayn said.

"Why? We've had sex already. It doesn't matter if I see you naked."

"Yes it does! It was dark and we were drunk." Zayn protested.

"Oh quit being so shy." Harry said, pulling on the cuffs so Zayn stumbled out of bed to his feet.

Zayn immediately placed his free hand over his privates, blushing furiously and glaring at Harry.

"Walk with me. My handcuff keys should be in the laundry room with my uniform." Harry said, leaving the room.

"I've got no other choice but to walk with you." Zayn muttered.

"Well if your delicate little feet hurt I could carry you." Harry teased.

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