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"Okay, before we go in the court room let's go over this one last time." Louis' lawyer said.

Zayn swallowed.

"You want full custody, correct?" He asked Zayn.

"Um, well...." Zayn trailed off, looking at Louis.

"I've changed my work schedule now, and I can be there during the week to take care of him but on the weekends it'd be harder for me." Zayn said.

"I can switch my days off to Saturday and Sunday. I'll take him weekends." Louis spoke up.

Everyone else was quiet, staring at the man who once claimed he wouldn't rest until he had full custody.

"So now we've decided on joint custody?" Zayn's lawyer frowned.

"Guess so." Zayn said, wondering what changed Louis' mind.

"We're here today to fight for you to have full custody." Louis' lawyer said to him.

"I-I know but...guess this way works better. I'm okay with only having him on the weekends. It'd be better that way for him, and both of us." Louis said, glancing at Zayn.

"Alright. Well, guess that's settled." Zayn's lawyer sighed.

Zayn sighed as well, but with relief.

Now all he needed was for the divorce to be finalized.


"To the custody agreement." Harry smiled, raising his glass.

"Absolutely." Zayn smiled, raising his glass as well, tapping it against Harry's.

Zayn told Harry the news as soon as he got the chance, and Harry decided that they needed to do a bit of celebrating.

Plus, Zayn had been working his new schedule for almost a week now, which meant they hardly saw each other.

Harry wanted to switch his hours as well, but he didn't want the chief to get suspicious.

That, and Harry figured it'd be easier to focus on work, and stick to their plan if they spent a little time apart.

Zayn didn't agree with this, but Harry silenced him by holding his hand up and looking away until Zayn gave up.

"Feels like ages since we last saw each other." Zayn admitted after swallowing most of the beer in his glass.

"Yeah. Even though it's been....what, maybe four days? Five?" Harry smiled.

"A week and a few days, actually." Zayn corrected.

"Ah." Harry said before ordering himself a shot.

"Feeling wild tonight, officer?" Zayn teased.

"I'm off duty, so....yeah." Harry chuckled, downing the shot in a flash.

Zayn watched him, glancing over Harry's halfway buttoned shirt and tight jeans.

He wasn't used to seeing Harry out of uniform.

"And you know what? I'm buying. Shots for both of us." Harry said, the alcohol already beginning to affect him.

He wasn't much of a drinker, obviously.

Hell, if officer goody two shoes even sniffed an alcoholic substance he got tipsy.

"I'm old and have a child. I'm usually in bed by now, Harry. I don't want to drink too much." Zayn chuckled as the bartender put three shots down in front of each of them.

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