38. Drive me

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"Do you want to go for a drive?" Grey was the first to break the silence eventually, "my step dad gave me a motorbike and I haven't had the chance to drive it yet, would you like to christen it with me?"

"I've never been on a motorbike before," I bit my bottom lip, I was sure I'd seen an advert once about the damage a motorbike accident could cause.

"It'll be fine I promise, I'm a great driver," Grey gave me a look that was bordering on desperate and I understood, he needed this. So I put my own fears behind me and nodded once.

"Show me this motorbike then," I encouraged with a smile.

"This way," Grey jumped up and held out a hand to help me up. I usually considered this a condescending move, as if I couldn't get up by myself but when Grey offered I felt the hand was more to help himself than me. He needed a lifeline and in that moment I was it. So I took his hand and let him pull me up when I knew in reality I was the one yanking him up from his spiral into darkness.

I let him lead the way around to the side of Kings Bridge where the garage was located. I'd never been inside before, I hadn't even considered where Grey kept his car I just accepted that it turned up in the driveway every morning. But there his shiny well kept car was in the huge garage among twenty or so other gleaming very expensive looking sports cars. And right at the back stood a brand new Harley Davidson, in a bright glinting red that seemed almost to illuminate its own glow it was so clean. I didn't know a lot about motorbikes, if anything, but that looked very expensive. Then it dawned on me, of course.

"You said your stepdad got it for you," I stated my thoughts clear in my voice.

"It's his form of insurance," Grey admitted stroking the bike lovingly, "he knows I would never tell because I wouldn't put my brothers through that and my mom wouldn't let me but he likes to stay extra sure. Also this way he can paint me as the spoiled stepson he couldn't be a better father to."

"Why do you accept it?" I demanded, "aren't you just helping his cause?"

"Might as well get something good out of getting pummelled," Grey shrugged keeping his voice nonchalant but I could easily see the pain he was trying to conceal in his eyes.

"Grey," I started but he cut over me,

"Let's go," he started wheeling the bike towards the exit and I had no choice but to let it drop, it would be no use anyway Grey had made his mind up.

"So how long have you known how to ride one of these?" I asked doubtfully, I'd never ridden a motorbike before and the thought of it scared me.

"Like six months," Grey pulled the bike to a halt on the gravel drive and grinned at me over it. There was a daring edge to his inferno eyes, "I promise not to kill you, cause then your dad would kill me and I'm not ready to die just yet."

"Wow you fill me with confidence," I snapped sarcastically as I eyes the beast of a thing. Everything about it just screamed danger. But maybe that was what I wanted.

"Cara?" Grey took two helmets out of a compartment at the back of the bike, "do you want to or not?" He held one out to me.

I hesitated for a moment but in reality my mind had been made up ever since I'd seen the bike. I stepped forward and took the helmet straight out of his hands, my action was rewarded with a huge beam from Grey.

"I'm an idiot," I shook my head with a laugh before tugging the helmet over my head and buckling it under my chin. Grey did the same and then swung his leg over the bike, he looked over his shoulder at me waiting. As I chewed my lip I clambered on behind him with distinctly more effort that he'd required. Finally once I was perched on the back I felt the fear start to get to me. I felt so unprotected and exposed right now, if we crashed my whole body was on display to be crushed.

"Hold onto me," Grey instructed. I didn't need to be told twice, I wrapped my arms around his body and clung on for dear life even though we weren't moving yet. I felt him chuckle slightly at my panic but I could feel his own heart racing through his shirt. "Ready?" He yelled as the bike roared to life.

"Just hurry up and go before I change my mind," I shout back and this time he properly laughs but the bike begins to move. I instantly tighten my grip on him and press myself as tightly as possible into his back.

Then we were flying. At least it felt like it. Gravel screeched under us and Kings Bridge's great walls passed by as we zoomed towards the gate on our way out. The air whipped at my face through the gap in my helmet and caught on my exposed skin. It felt as if I was flying through the air and had left my stomach behind me.

"You okay?" Grey's scream could barely be heard over the roar of the engine.

"Wow," was the only noise I could make and it was torn away from my lips by the air flying past us.

As we hit the road Grey seemed to speed up even more if that was possible, I felt as if all my insides had been left on the road behind us. My legs felt like jelly and my heart was beating so uncontrollably it felt as if it would explode out my chest at any moment. But I loved it.

I understood why Grey needed to do this, the excitement of it made you forget everything else in the world. There was only the pounding of your heart and buzz of air in your ears in that moment. In front of me Grey let out a howl of exhilaration and I couldn't help but do the same as I screamed my fears into the wind. We kept screaming like maniacs until our throats were raw and no more noise would come out. In Grey's yells and whoops I could hear his anger at his stepfather and desire to be free. I understood him so much in that moment, he needed this like he found his favourite spot on the roof one slip away from a fall, like how I needed to kiss Jenson. For the thrill.

We drove around the roads zooming at lightning speed and screaming at the time our lungs for nearly an hour until I was beyond exhausted. Grey must have sensed this and just as I was about to suggest we turn back we arrived at Kings Bridge's imposing gates. As much as I'd enjoyed the ride relief washed over me.

Grey halted the bike in front of the garage and for a minute it felt odd to be still and I realised I'd forgotten how to move. It took a great deal of thought to swing my leg off the bike but as my feet hit the gravel my legs gave way beneath me and I stumbled backwards. Grey instantly shot out an arm to steady me but he was rocking with laughter.

"Shut up," I scowled, "this is your fault, my legs won't work."

"Sorry," Grey chuckled his whole face alight with humour and excitement, the difference between before the ride and after was startling.

"Should be," I kept up my irritated act as I restored my stability on the ground again and once secure again folded my arms in faux annoyance.

"It was quite funny," he smirked devilishly.

"Whatever you say," I rolled my arms and began to walk off.

"Cara," the seriousness in Grey's voice stopped me and I spun around. His face was honest and open and when he spoke his eyes shine with gratitude, "thanks, I needed this."

"It's okay," I smiled in return, "thanks for taking me I enjoyed myself."

"Again tomorrow?" Grey teased.

"Don't push it Grey," I warned over my shoulder as I walked away. I'd had enough of motorbikes for at least a month, the thought of them made my legs feel wobbly right now. But the giddy smile from the ride wouldn't wipe off my face.

Hey I'm so sorry for my absence I've had a crazy amount of school work and exams but my focus is back on this now. I'll be posting three times a week again. I hope you're enjoying and I'll be going back and improving some previous chapters to try and make this as good as I can.

Thank you so much for the votes and wonderful comments I absolutely love reading them. Have a lovely day.


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