22. Race me

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"Good morning," I felt a kiss on my cheek and smiled against the sheets as I pressed my blushing face out of his sight. "Hey don't hide."

I curled myself up even tighter wrapping the sheets around me like a burrito. My mind was still bleary with sleep as I felt him lean over me.

"Cara," his voice tickled in my ear making me giggle. My brain shifted more into focus as I became aware of his body hovering over mine.

"You're heavy," I teased with a laugh as I tried to wriggle underneath him but his weight pinned me down against the mattress.

"Oi," his hands went to my sides and started tickling me so I creased up under the sheets.

I screamed for him to stop between my howls of laughter that soon became pants as I gasped for air. He wouldn't stop and my body soon became exhausted with twisting and turning causing my sweaty body to stick to the sheets.

The sheets seemed to twist around me knotting me until my arms were pinned by my sides and legs stuck together. And still the sheets became more and more constricting, squeezing the breath out of me.

Suddenly he stopped tickling me and planted himself squarely on my stomach so all the breath was forced out of my lungs and was unable to reenter.

"Jackson," I pleaded my eyes starting to water as I struggled for air. My fingers clawed desperately at the sheets but to no avail. Every movement I made was futile. And the look in his eye told me he knew it.

A malicious grin spread across his face, the grin of a tiger who'd caught his meal and cut its throat and was now waiting for it to slowly die before he could eat it.

Then his face shifted, it happened so sharply as my vision began to blur from lack of oxygen. Then instead of his dark brown eyes a set of endless green eyes appeared.

"Mitch?" I gasped.

Inexplicably, his face contorted again to became dark skinned and serious, "Sawyer," I whimpered, "please help me."

"Cara," the voice that spoke wasn't Sawyers, it was feral and vicious.

Again his face flickered to become someone else, this time someone with a beauty spot and messy hair, "Nico!" He was gone the instant I spluttered his name, his eyes switching from brown and playful to grey and intense, "Grey, please!"

He vanished and Jackson returned, I trembled slightly as black spots dotted my vision, my heart raced with fear inside my chest.

"You're going to be very sorry Cara," he hissed venomously.


I jolted up from my bed gasping and gulping frantically for air. My sheets were sticky with sweat and my face wet with something that wasn't sweat. Ferociously I kicked off my sheets that were tangled around my legs and stuck to my damp skin.

I doubled over coughing and spluttering. I could still feel Jacksons weight pressing onto my stomach and the sheets constricting around me. My whole body shook at the vividness of the dream. It remained emblazoned inside my head, all the the colours were dramatic and glowing like a warning sign.

My hand instinctively reached for my arm stroking the raised skin that ran from my elbow to wrist in one jagged white line. I made myself press my fingers into it then run them up and down.

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