63. Advise me

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Sawyer had to go back and practise his piano pieces for longer, he revealed that he had a concert coming up in just over a month that he was playing at. Being Sawyer of course he was modest about it and I practically had to pry the admittance out of him. So, I ended up walking back to my room alone cradling the warm coffee in my hands inhaling it's bitter smell.

As I walked I could still hear the faint melody of Sawyers piano piece falling through the air and found my fingers tapping into the mug in the rhythm of the notes.

"Cara!" Ben's voice cut across my daydreaming. His bedroom door was flung wide open and I caught sight of him leaning off the side of his bed to see me, "get your butt in here and say hi to Pietro."

"No way!" I squealed bounding straight into Ben's room and immediately plopping down next to where he was spread across his bed on his stomach.

In front of his face his laptop was on Skype filled with the face of an extremely handsome Italian boy with beautiful tanned skin and curly black hair and eyes almost as dark.

"Pietro this is Cara, Cara this is Pietro," Ben made the introductions, his face was glowing.

"Hello," Pietro have a small wave, he had a hot Italian accent that rung through when he spoke English.

"Hi," I grinned back delightedly before shooting Ben a disappointed look, "you didn't tell me he was this gorgeous."

Both Ben and Pietro blushed adorably, I smiled at the two of them.

"My bad," Ben smiled sheepishly.

"So," I rested my chin in my hands, "tell me all about yourself Pietro seeing as Ben likes to keep you so secret."

Pietro was delightful. Him and Ben were completely adorable as well, they'd left the awkward phase and chatted away easily making teasing remarks. I could see on their eyes how much they cared for each other as well; Ben's whole face was aglow and Pietro's dark eyes glimmered. I'd never felt more like a third wheel although they involved me in the conversation, Ben took it upon himself to tell Pietro my entire life problems.

"Cara has four boys who are in love with her," Ben told Pietro matter of factly. I swatted his arm,

"Stop," I rolled my eyes, "that's not true, they're just my friends." Ben shot Pietro a look that said he couldn't disagree more and Pietro giggled.

"They're all hopelessly in love with her," Ben insisted despite my disapproving expression, "and Cara loves all of them."

"All of them?" Pietro raised an eyebrow.

"As friends," I enforced.

"Liar," Ben prodded my side.

"I'm not," I pushed him lightly but that only made him laugh.

"I keep telling her she has to pick one," Ben continued.

"Why?" Pietro asked, my gaze flickered to his serious expression and I blinked at him, "why can't you give them all a go? See which one you feel the most for."

Ben's face paled a little, "is that what they do in Italy?" he asked dubiously.

"No," Pietro reassured, "you know you're the only one for me Benjamin."

The way Pietro said Benjamin made me die a little on the inside. They were just so damn cute, it made me kind of jealous.

"Okay," Ben beamed satisfied.

"All I'm saying is that you shouldn't have to make a decision without trying all the pies first, so to speak," Pietro expanded with the elegant hand gestures he used every time he spoke.

"What if I like all the pies equally?" I pondered more to myself than him, my eyes darted back to Pietro's stunning face in the screen as I blushed, "so to speak."

"Then, bella," Pietro shook his head sorrowfully, "you are doomed."

"That's helpful," I threw my hands up in my sarcasm.

"You'll be fine," Pietro said so surely I believed it myself for a moment, "I have to go now but it was delightful to meet the infamous Cara."

"You too Pietro," I stood up to let Ben and Pietro have their goodbyes in private, "and don't believe everything Ben says about me," I yelled as I waggled my fingers goodbye to Pietro.

I blew a kiss to Ben as I sauntered out his bedroom. Pietro's words were occupying my mind though, setting off a domino effect of thoughts.

Hey sorry this is a short chapter I haven't had a moment to spare. Hope you've enjoyed though!


Ruin MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora