10. Kiss me

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"You've never been to a party before?" I stared gobsmacked at the four undeniably gorgeous and interesting boys in front of me, how could they not get invited to parties? Even I with my eclectic high school experience had been to many parties.

"Never been to a high school party," Mitch corrected crossing his arms defensively, "of course we've been to birthday parties and stuff but they've always been formal occasions."

"Suit and tie parties," Sawyer added.

"Definitely don't wear a suit and tie," I instructed.

"Obviously," Grey rolled his eyes, I gave him a serious look and he shut up quickly knowing I was in charge here.

"What do we wear then?" Sawyer seemed to be the only one willing to admit they had no clue what to do.

"Okay, I'll see what I can do," I sighed.

First we went into Mitch and Nico's room to the left of my door, their room was split into perfect opposites down a straight line in the centre of the room. Nico's side looked like a bomb had just gone off in it; school books, text books, uniform and various miscellaneous objects were scattered all over the bed and floor. Whereas, on Mitch's side everything had a place, each book or decoration was tucked away neatly in a meticulous fashion. It felt like being in two separate rooms at once.

"Let's see what we're working with," I pulled open Mitch's wardrobe first thinking it the easiest to sort through. I was wrong. Mitch's wardrobe was jam packed with sports cloths, joggers, track suits, running shorts, tennis clothes; nothing appropriate for a party.

A pair of dark denim jeans, a plain white t-shirt and his varsity football jacket were the best things I found.

"Are you sure?" Mitch raised his eyebrows sceptically at the simple outfit.

"Absolutely," I nodded, Mitch's large size and classically handsome looks would make him stand out anyway.

Nico's wardrobe was harder to navigate because the majority of his clothes were not in his wardrobe but on the floor. Also he didn't have many things that weren't his uniform.

"What?" He shrugged defensively when I questioned his lack of casual clothes, "there's no point we just go to school and then to bed."

I shook my head in mock despair, it took a while but I managed to hunt down a pair of dark jeans and a light blue polo that were acceptable.

"Who's next?" I grinned.

Grey and Sawyers room was much less at odds than Mitch and Nico's but it was still obvious who's side was who's. Sawyer had rows and rows of running trophies and musical awards in frames displayed on his wall. His side was neat and proud but not boastful. Grey's side was considerably plainer, he only had a few school text books, his own books and some swimming medals on display. Anyone could have lived there, I looked at his side and saw no individuality, but maybe that suited him. Minimalistic. His wardrobe was similarly bare and what was there was in black.

"I don't think there's many other options," I joked as I threw black jeans and a black t-shirt into his bed.

Sawyers wardrobe was filled with suits, hanger upon hanger of elegant, expensive suits. I felt my jaw drop open in awe.

"I need them for my music concerts," Sawyer put in hurriedly.


Suits definitely weren't right so I chose jeans and a red t-shirt instead. Sawyer, like Mitch, looked perplexed by the boring outfit.

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