Bonus Chapter

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Here's the extra bonus chapter!!

For some context - this should have come early on in the book and in this storyline Cara has a boyfriend, Micheal, from her school. She has taken the Silent Boys to a party to meet him. As you know this idea was abandoned but it's interesting to see where the book could have gone!


I saw him from across the room, Micheal, he had his arms intwined so tightly around someone their bodies moulded into one passionate mess. His hands were in her hair, on her face, under her shirt right there in the kitchen where everyone could see. I knew he didn't think I'd be here but surely he must've realised someone would see and tell me. Or maybe he just didn't care, my feelings were irrelevant in all this as long as he got laid. Or maybe he knew no one would tell me, had he done this before? Was this something he did at every party and just expected everyone to keep their mouths shut? Was I a laughing stock at school because they all knew how he was tricking me and how easily I was falling for it.

I stared at them my mouth open slightly as he pushed her against the wall like he'd done to me before. He kissed her like he kissed me, like he was putting his mark on me, making me his. I was going to be sick.

"Hey Cara I got you a drink," Mitchell appeared by my side with his constant happy smile on his face that I just wanted to slap off right now, "where's this boyfriend then?"

I blinked back my tears, put on my hard shell and pointed at Micheal who was sucking up that other girls mouth like a Hoover, "that's him over there."

With that I turned my back and walked straight out of the party leaving Mitch gaping at the scene behind me.

I stormed out, forcing my way through the swarms of laughing teens flailing their arms everywhere making it difficult for me to push past. My tears threatening to reveal my true pain but I forced myself to fight them back and put on a blank mask. I was emotionless, uncaring, unbroken.

"Cara," Mitchell raced after me the drinks still in his hands.

"Thanks for these," I took them straight off him as he arrived by my side on the square front lawn of the house. He looked bewildered by my blank expression and lack of upset. Then more confused as I downed both cups one after another in two long gulps.

"Slow down Cara, just talk to me," Mitch tried to reach for my arm but I placed the cups into his outstretched hand before his touch could make me crumble. "What's going on?"

"My boyfriends making out with someone who isn't me," I shrugged pretending to be unaffected by the whole thing when really saying those words snapped me inside. I pulled out my phone and started typing furiously so I wouldn't have to meet Mitchell's ferocious gaze.

"Bastard," he roared violently, "I'll kill the guy."

"Don't bother," I sighed simply like the situation was boring me, "I never liked him anyway, this just gives me an excuse to end it with him," I lied easily and for a moment I think I even convinced Mitch.

"Either way," Mitch was examining me and I knew my story hadn't quite deceived him, "that shit head needs to be taught a lesson."

"Mitch don't," I cried but it was already too late, he was gone. Racing inside to probably beat the shit out of Micheal. Something about that made my heart swell, Mitch's loyalty made my body warm from the inside out.

"Cara what's going on?" Grey appeared by my side out of nowhere.

"I caught my boyfriend cheating on me so Mitch has gone inside to beat him up," I shrugged like I'd just asked Grey to pass me the salt.

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