72. Like me

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"Please tell me you weren't planning on wearing those?" Mitch stared judgementally down at my feet.

"Well not any more I'm not," I self consciously crossed my ankles trying to hide my shabby trainers, "these are my only vaguely appropriate shoes."

"You don't have any hiking boots?" This was a foreign concept to Mitch.

"I grew up in Vegas," I raised an eyebrow at him and stared him down. I hadn't realised yesterday when I'd agreed to go on a hike with Mitch that it would cause this many problems. The first of which had been the outfit, after turning my entire wardrobe inside out I'd settled on black Lycra leggings and a tight, long sleeved, navy workout top with my one and only ancient black waterproof. Now, the shoes, my well-worn black trainers that I wore for running.

"I guess they'll have to do," Mitch conceded, "I doubt any of our shoes will fit." I took in his gigantic shoes that were at least double the size of mine and came to the same conclusion.

"You are going to have a brilliant time Vegas!" Nico teased from my bedroom doorway where the three other Silent Boys had been watching our exchange with bemused expressions.

"Well at least I'm not chickening out," I crossed my arms.

"You wait until you get going, then you'll regret saying that," Grey insisted.

"But you're all so ..," I waved my hands in the air, "sporty."

"Honey," Nico fixed me in place with a look, "I don't hike."

"Don't listen to them," Mitch turned his back on them and pierced me with his confident eyes, "it'll be fun I promise, and the view from the top is breathtaking."

"Forty minutes tops," I heard Nico whisper not so quietly from the doorway.

"I'll give her an hour," Grey considered thoughtfully.

"Are you betting on how long I'll last?" I demanded outraged.

"I had absolutely no involvement in this," Sawyer held his hands up.

"Suck up," Nico hissed at him before smiling brazenly at me, "yep, and I think I was pretty generous."

"I thought you would have learnt by now," I strolled over to him and tilted my head to one side slowly releasing my most playful and flirtatious smirk, "don't bet against me."

With that I marched straight past him hearing Grey let out a low appreciative whistle, Mitch gave a short chuckle and Nico huffed behind me.

I hadn't even known there was a trail leading straight out of the back of the Kings Bridge grounds. A small wrought iron gate was located in the far right corner that led off onto a beaten track winding through thick grass that reached to mid thigh. In the distance there was a collection of small hills that I knew would be our destination.

"Ready?" Mitch asked.

"Always," I nodded which earned me a glowing grin.

Mainly Mitch and I walked in silence which was good because most of my concentration was aimed at the ground to make sure I didn't trip on the uneven soil while keeping up with Mitch's intense pace. The boys had been right, although I'd rather break my own ankle than tell them that, Mitch did go fast. He set a quick and unwavering pace through the never ending fields and trees that I just about managed to keep up with although I had the distinct disadvantage of my legs being nearly half the length of his. I just hoped that when we did reach the hill he would slow down. I didn't know why I thought that, this was Mitch and when the ground began to incline instead of slowing down his pace almost seemed to quicken. I inhaled and exhaled deeply trying to prepare myself and not let my panting give me away.

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