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I'm very sorry I haven't updated in ages I've been crazy busy but to make up for it I have two chapters here for you! Hope you like them.

"Are you ready?" Mina bounded into art on Friday beaming delightedly.

"For what?" I stared at her dumbly for a moment.

"The sleepover," she rolled her eyes, "did you forget?"

"Yes, I mean no, maybe?" I shook my head, "I forgot just then but I hadn't entirely. I have my stuff in my bag." I patted my backpack beside me.

"Good, cause I've got popcorn and a great film selection," her eyes narrowed for a moment, "wait! You do like pizza don't you?"

I fixed her with my obvious glare, "of course, who doesn't like pizza?"

"I don't even want to know who," Mina shook her head decidedly.

"So, I can come over straight after school?" I confirmed.

It was Mina's turn this time to scrutinise me with her obvious stare, "of course, I invited you didn't I?"

A slow smile spread across my face.


Mina's house was the total opposite of what I expected it to be, it was set down a long drive in the nice section of town. It was a large spacious house filled with open spaces and immaculate furniture cut at sharp right angles. There were minimal photos on the walls and a colour schemes for every room. I wasn't used to this kind of pristine living space after living a in a house filled entirely with boys for over two months.

Mina popped the pizza in the oven in her spotless white kitchen and put on music that spat out from the state of the around surround sound speakers all around the room.

"Your house is insane," I commented as she bopped around wiggling her hips slightly to the beat.

"It's like a hospital," Mina corrected crinkling her nose in disgust.

"I've missed clean," I stroked the white surfaces lovingly, "you wouldn't believe how much of a mess boys make."

"I wish I lived with mess, my mom is crazy obsessive because she works in hospitals she has like this intense fear of getting ill."

"I'm guessing your room is less clean then."

"Wanna see it?"

"Lead the way."

Mina's room couldn't have been more different from the rest of the house. It was as stark in contrast as the two sides of Mitch and Nico's room. I felt as if I was falling down a rabbit hole from the organised world of the living to the mad world below when I stepped into Mina's room.

An explosion of colour hit me in the face like when you walk into direct sunlight after being in the dark for ages. I had to blink a couple of times to adjust to the orange walls the colour of the setting sun. A huge tie-dye tapestry of red and black covered another wall and around her double bed hung twinkling fairy lights. Over every surface sat iridescent crystals and tiki lights with jewelled necklaces hanging from various objects like a large metallic elephant. The chandelier that hung from the ceiling was decorated with loads of multicoloured diamonds that sprinkled with room with light.

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