23. Dare me

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"Ummm," I stumbled trying to come up with any excuse I could, any reason that would be close enough to the truth to be believable but at the same time reveal nothing at all.

Whoever the hell invented truth or dare had it in for vulnerable teenage girls.


"You've never been to a sleepover?" I repeated incredulously.

"I do believe that's what I just confirmed," Grey rolled his eyes.

"Seriously Vegas, we go to a boarding  school every night is a sleepover," Nico complained.

"So? I didn't really have the most normal high school experience but I still went to loads of sleepovers, maybe it's a girl thing," I shrugged simply.

"I'm not that bothered," Grey gave a lazy one shoulder shrug.

"You've been missing out on a vital life experience," I shook my head gravely, "we must remedy that."

"By having a sleepover?" Grey raised a quizzical eyebrow.

"We live like five steps away from each other," Nico cut in.

"It's not about the sleeping," I huffed dramatically, "it's about the experience." I caught Sawyer's eyes and he winked at me with a smirk.

"The experience?" Mitch questioned.

"The games, the sugary food and late night snacking, the terrible film that takes an hour to decide on, the scary stories in the dark," I expanded my voice animated but still serious.

"Do you have a degree in sleepovers that we don't know about?" Nico smirked.

"I should do," I nodded smiling in spite of myself.

We were eating dinner together in the dining hall on Saturday night, dad had a teachers meeting to attend to so I was released from my daughterly duties and had the rest of the evening to spend with the Silent Boys.

"Sleepover it is then, shall we remedy it tonight?" Mitch said decisively, "but maybe without the actual sleeping part because your dad would most definitely expel us."

"An Over?" Sawyer spoke up, he wasn't someone of many words but each word he did chose always held some significance like he'd mulled over it for a long time.

"What?" I swivelled to face him.

"A sleepover without sleeping would be an Over."

"An Over it is then," I nodded satisfied.

"Will we need supplies?" Mitch perked up. If there was something to organise and plan he was instantly game.

"Yep," I nodded, "you can't have a sleepover without a heart attack inducing amount of sweets."


"I don't think we brought enough," Nico announced sarcastically as I dumped the two shopping bags full of sweets on my bedroom floor.

"You always need too many sweets," I batted back.

"Now what's next?" All the boys looked up at me expectantly, we'd just returned from the shops stocked up with fizzy drinks, sweets and chocolate.

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