61. Reassure me

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Thank god Grey and I had chosen to take our night time swim in the early hours of Sunday morning so I didn't have to go to school the next day. We didn't leave the pool until gone 6am when we darted out, shivering in the cool air to to change back into our clothes that stuck to damp skin. Before we rushed back up to the dormitories to shower and change. As we parted our separate ways Grey leaned in and gripped me in a vice tight hug. He smelt of chlorine and his hair dripped in a steady flow of icy droplets down my back. We managed to slip back our respective rooms while everyone was still asleep. There was an element of secrecy to the outing, though we hadn't done anything that needed to be kept secret. More of a need for privacy. We didn't need everyone to know what we'd been doing, it was just between us.

I showered in boiling hot water that was startling compared to the icy freshness of the pool we'd just been in. Even though I scrubbed my skin I could still feel the ghost of Grey's arms around my waist. It was different to the way I remembered Jackson's touch which was dirty and I couldn't scrub off however hard I tried, this was like an invisible tattoo that I had chosen myself.

I closed my eyes with a minute smile on my face and couldn't contain the blush that rose to my cheeks. The entire time I dressed in jeans and a simple grey t-shirt I couldn't stop grinning. Even when I was brushing my teeth I looked in the mirror and couldn't recognise the person there who looked so utterly contented.

Suddenly my morning routine was interrupted by a knock at my door, I was surprised, none of the boys usually knocked. I called out,

"Come in."

It was Sawyer who pushed the door open, standing on the other side in dark jeans and a pale blue t-shirt that complimented his dark skin beautifully. My smile grew ever so slightly wider.

"Hey," he shifted looking slightly awkward, a slight blush rose to his cheeks, "I know it's kind of early but I saw your light on and wondered if you wanted another piano lesson. I was just on my way there now."

He was rambling and it was adorable, I grinned in response, "yeah, I'd love to. But by lesson I hope you mean you playing while I admire from the sidelines."

"Hey," Sawyer looked at me with his considering eyes, "you're better than you give yourself credit for."

"Whatever you say," I laughed, our feet moved in perfect synchronisation, echoing on the floor as we left my room and headed towards the music room with the beautiful piano.

"You're in a good mood this morning," Sawyer observed, albeit a little suspiciously.

"I don't know how long it will last without coffee," I admitted which made Sawyer chuckle quietly.

"I'll make sure you get some then," Sawyer nodded, we'd arrived at the music room and Sawyer yanked the huge door open for me to pass through into the room that was illuminated in the beautiful morning light streaming in through the windows.

"Wow," I breathed out admiring the glowing walls with a spin. When I looked back down Sawyer was watching me with an intensity in his eyes. For a split second I thought he might march over to me and wrap his arms around me and pull me close and, then he blinked.

"Beautiful," he whispered, I didn't know if he was talking about me or the room. I didn't ask. Instead I sat down at the piano stool and waited for him to join me. He did and we sat with our arms brushing against each other as he lifted his fingers to brush them over the keys lovingly.

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