33. Abandon me

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I was rudely awoken at 5 am the next morning by a heavy body leaping on my bed. I was so shocked by it that I leapt up my mouth opened ready to scream. Just as I was about to emit the most piercing cry a hand was clamped firmly over my mouth and I was staring into mischievous chocolate brown eyes.

My eyes widened, Nico.

I was convinced it was one of them coming to get me. My heart was pounding uncontrollably and my insides were a mush of fear. I took several deep breaths to try and calm myself. It was all okay, it was only Nico.

He was smirking as he removed his hand from my lips and I realised how close our faces were. His nose was a mere two inches from mine.

"You scared the shit out of me," I accused with a glare.

"Sorry," he had the decency to look sheepish for a moment before a smirk cracked his lips open, "but I couldn't leave without saying goodbye."

"You're leaving," I glanced at my bedside clock to see the ungodly hour.

"7am flight," he shrugged seeming far too awake and lively for this early.

"Did you even sleep?"

"Nope," he puffed out his chest proudly, "well I hadn't packed so I spent the morning doing that."

"Of course you hadn't," I rolled my eyes.

"So are you going to come and wave me off?" Nico prompted.

"Of course," I pulled my exhausted limbs out of bed and tugged on a hoodie over my wrinkled pyjama shorts and band tee.

And that was how I ended up on Kings Bridges driveway expanse with bare legs in the dark of the early morning light. Alone.

I didn't register that none of the other boys were coming until Nico's cab appeared at the gates. I thought maybe they would get here before he left but it appeared they weren't coming at all.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"I said goodbye to them last night, it's best not to wake them early," Nico shrugged but I could tell by the way he didn't meet my eye he wasn't telling the whole truth.

"Well I guess this is goodbye then," I gave a sad half smile as the cab pulled up right in front of us.

"I'm gonna miss you Vegas," Nico said dismally as he loaded his huge suitcase into the trunk.

"I might miss you too," I teased. He slammed the trunk shut and took two long strides towards me. For a second he paused and I stared deep into the pools of his eyes before he reached down and wrapped his arms tightly around me squeezing me right into his muscular chest. I was caught off guard for a moment before I brought my arms up and tightened them around him too.

To be fair he was an amazing hugger.

It seemed like we stood there hugging for hours when it must have just been a few seconds. But I could feel the warmth radiating off his body and hear the pound of his heart in his chest and I wanted to stay in that position forever.

"I better go Vegas," Nico cleared his throat.

"Yeah you don't want to miss your flight," I pulled away.

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