29. Dress me

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"Cara, Cara," a fist slammed on my bedroom door at an ungodly hour of the morning, well 10:30 but that was sinful for a Saturday.

"What," I moaned burying my face deeper into my pillow and pinching my sheets tighter around my head to block out the world of the awake around me.

"Are you decent?" This voice was different, deeper.

"Decent or not we're coming in," that was definitely Nico and a beat later my door was being thrown open and I was bombarded by a torrent of noise and movement.

"Wake up!" A heavy weight pounced on the bed next to me causing me to moan in annoyance.

"Too early," I complained curling myself up into a compact ball.

"It's never too early for the wicked," I was surprised by a jab in my side, it was definitely Grey who was sat on me, maybe even Nico too. It was hard to distinguish between the lumps squashing down the sheets beside me.

"I'm sleeping," I whined, "it's Saturday."

"Yes, and you have a charity event to attend to in ... an hour and a half," Mitch's deep voice sent me catapulting up rod straight in my bed.

"Did you just say an hour and a half?" I twisted around to face him as my head swam from my sudden movement.

"Nice hair," Sawyer's quiet tone commented from the end of my bed where he stood making himself as inconspicuous as possible in the corner. I touched the birds nest of matted hair piled on top of my head.

"Maybe an hour because we have to drive there," Mitch added as he leaned against my wall casually.

"Well," Grey toyed with his fingers stiffly, "I'm not that bothered with getting there on time." It was obvious to the whole room that he was dreading the hours to come.

"Great, because it will take me a while to get ready," I propped myself up and rubbed my temples with the tips of my fingers in a futile attempt to wake my mind up.

"We need to get dressed anyway," Mitch shrugged.

"Shit," I huffed, "I don't have anything to wear. What even is the dress code for this kind of thing?"

"Not black-tie-fancy but you'll-be-in-the-company-of-millionaires-fancy," Grey explained. My stomach filled with dread, why the hell did I sign myself up for this?

I wasn't part of their world of millionaires and royalty, and I couldn't pretend to be, I belonged somewhere so separated from this lifestyle it was on a whole other planet. I wasn't like the Silent Boys, my wardrobe didn't have several spare tux's, one for black tie events and another for casual brunches. I didn't have the most powerful man in the state on speed dial in my phone, I didn't luncheon with the sons of lords and dukes. I'd found my way here by chance and stayed here by luck but I never knew when my luck was going to run out and everyone would look straight at me and see the girl I'd been hiding this whole time.

"You must have something to wear," Mitch prompted throwing open my wardrobe.

"Do I look like someone who owns something acceptable for a charity event?" I raised my eyebrows incredulously.

"What about this?" Mitch plucked out a black skin tight silk dress I reserved for especially important clients of my moms. Jackson loved that dress. Correction, Jackson used to love that dress.

"Too inappropriate," I regarded the low cut hem and dipped neckline that would reveal a bit too much cleavage for midday on a Saturday.

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