30. Threaten me

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  I'm so so sorry about my lack of updating. I've been feeling really uninspired with this story lately but I'm back on track now and will be updating regularly again, every Saturday and Wednesday now. I hope you enjoy this chapter and thank you all so much again for the continued support!


Grey's mansion was straight off a movie set, or from the pages of a book. It was as if someone had asked me what I pictured a millionaires mansion to be like then slapped the image in my mind into reality.

Huge towering grey walls surrounded the building, the black metal gates opened automatically when Grey drove up to them revealing the magnificent house that lay behind them. It was two storeys of what looked like two houses slammed into each other. Half of the house was made from old crumbling grey stone like Kings Bridge but the rest was huge floor to ceiling panels of glass allowing you to look directly into the house. The glass and stone juxtaposed each other so harshly it was hard to imagine they were intended to be put together in one building rather than just merged together from two. The house reached out wide, especially on the ground floor that was ginormous, and I'm sure extended far back too. 

"You should close you're mouth it's rude," Nico told me matter of factly.

"You live here?" I knew these boys came from lives of privilege and wealth but surely people didn't actually live like this.

"Not by choice," Grey stated glumly, his whole face had become overcast with shadows just at the sight of the house.

"That's insane," I shook my head, still in awe, but then I was hardly one to talk about odd living arrangements considering I'd never lived in an actual house, only hotels.

"Insanely horrific," Grey shook his head his voice thick with disgust, "Jordan designed it, that's why it looks so awful. Cost him $600 million and it still looks like a child thought it up, just goes to show money can't buy everything."

"The glass and stone is a bit weird," I considered pressing finger to my lip in thought, "but it's so huge, like it never wants to end."

"Only my mom, the twins and Jordan live there now, they don't need all that space, there's 8 bedrooms, who even needs that many?"

"People who can afford to," Sawyer shrugged simply.

The whole area out the front that was nearly as big as a Target car park was stuffed with various flashy sports cars, glistening Rolls Royce's and brand new looking Mercedes. The whole car park put together could've probably brought you the whole of California.

"We're so late," Mitchell informed us but hardly seemed upset about it.

"Great, that means less time we have to spend around my family," Grey ran his hand through his hair. I could tell this whole situation was stressing him out.

"Well you may not be but I'm excited," I sat up in my seat determined to make light of the situation, "I've never been to a charity event before and I've never been in a house this huge or expensive so I am going to go in there and enjoy myself and eat fancy snacks and admire lovely dresses."

"You won't be saying that after half an hour in there," Grey looked at me, I hated how muted and lifeless his eyes were. I wanted to blow the flame back into them, I wanted to make them spit with fire again.

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