75. Ruin me

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I could sense something close to my face from the moment I became conscious, before I even opened my eyes. Something very very close to my face that was breathing heavily sending warm breath across my skin that fluttered my eyelashes and tickled my lips. When I opened my eyelids it revealed Nico's lips that were right in line with my eyes just a few centimetres from my face. I felt my lips automatically turning up in a smile at the sight of him. His eyes were closed softly in a blissful sleep and his mouth was slightly open, so relaxed. For a moment his mouth switched into something I could've sworn was a smile. It made me grin even wider, though I was slightly breathless at how close his perfect olive skin and full lips were to my face. His whole body was leant in towards mine and I realised after a beat that an arm was wrapped around my waist, but it wasn't Nico who's arms were pulled up to his chest. Instead I could make out  Sawyers beautiful dark skin laying across me with his fingers splayed out across my hip. I could feel his presence behind me, his chest pressed against my back. I didn't feel confined or trapped like I would've done months ago, instead I felt completely safe and at home.

"Oi," Nico whispered blowing out air across my face, his eyes never even opened, "I know you're awake, stop staring at me Vegas it's creepy."

I chuckled silently to myself, "you've got something on your face," I teased.

Quickly Nico reached up and rubbed his face, he was even blushing in embarrassment while I giggled quietly trying not to move my chest too much and wake Sawyer.

"You're evil," Nico realised what I'd done and his eyes finally popped open letting me see their rich deep brown.

"I try," I replied with a wicked smile.

"Shut up," Mitch's voice gruff from sleep came from above my head. Him and Grey had slept with their heads pointing towards us on my hard bedroom floor with sheets and blankets roughly placed on top of us. I was still in the sweatpants and hoodie I'd been wearing last night and was sweating, the boys radiated heat and having them so close was like sleeping next to a heater.

"Shhh," Grey groaned and I heard a body roll over, he was not a morning person. I stifled a laugh at the image of his grumpy face in my mind. "Cara!" Greys voice held a warning tone.

"Morning," I whispered sweetly. I suddenly felt Sawyers hand tighten on my waist squeezing me slightly closer to him that told me he was awake. 

"What time is it?" Nico asked to no one in particular.

"Half eight," of course it was Mitch who answered.

"I'm going to kill you Cara," Grey groaned.

"I have to go at 10," Nico spoke in a hushed tone that appeared to be aimed just at me. I locked my gaze with his, sadness lingered there.

"I'll see you in a week," I reassured with a tiny smile, that seemed to alleviate some of the sadness in Nico's eyes.

"A week's too long," he whispered too low for anyone else to hear as he reached out for my hand to trace slow circles on the back of my hand with his thumb.

"Before you go," I raised my voice enough for all the boys to hear, "I have a surprise for everyone."

"What?" Grey asked instantly.

I rolled my eyes as a reflex, "it's a surprise, the point is that you don't know."

"A clue?" Mitch prompted.

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