14. Greet me

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When the four boys appeared to drive me to school the next morning it was as if Sunday had never happened. Mitchell greeted me with a giant grin, Nico with a quip about my scruffy look that earned him an elbow in the ribs, Sawyer with a kind smile and Grey with fire. His eyes scorched a hole in my skin with their ferocity.

I found them ignoring yesterday odd, but I was immensely grateful for it. I didn't want to have to deflect awkward questions. Instead it was so much easier to blast some music and let my troubles fly away down the highway along with the breeze.

It turns out the people at Ainsley weren't as quick to let me forget that eventful Friday night.

"Hi Nico," Jenny was waiting for me by the side of the road and shot a flirtatious wave at Nico as I climbed out of the car.

"Hey," Nico's answer was barely audible through his repulsion.

"I need to talk to you," Jenny looped her arm through mine giving me no other option.

"Bye," I shot a help-me-now look at the boys who only pulled away with evil smirks.

"Start explaining," Jenny demanded as she stormed towards the school so fast I felt my feet tumbling over each other in an effort to keep up.

"What?" she was going to have to be a little more specific than that.

"You and that gorgeous stranger, who the hell is he and why have you not mentioned him before?" Jenny hissed furiously, like I'd actually mentioned anything about my life to her before.

"He's a friend of a friend," I shrugged nonchalantly, "I don't know him that well."

"Didn't look that way when you were locking lips," Jenny waggled her eyebrows suggestively. How the fuck did she know about that?

"It was nothing," I insisted firmly.

"Look if he's your boyfriend you can say," Jenny smiled, "I won't tell any one if you want to seem available."

"What?" I was shocked, did she really think I would be that petty, "of course not, he's honestly not my boyfriend, it's no big deal."

"Oh," Jenny's face fell with my inability to provide drama.

"I have to go I'm going to be late for first lesson," I unknotted my arm from hers and made my getaway before she could think of something else to ask me.

The rest of the day became a personal mission to avoid Jenny and her probing questions. Mina thought it was hilarious when I spent most of lunch trying to hide myself behind Betty's thick black curly hair. Mina was the only person who seemed to understand that I didn't want to be questioned about Friday night because when her boyfriend Connor asked with a sly smile if I'd enjoyed myself she shot him a look so scary he shrunk back into his chair instantly.

By the end of the day I was exhausted and basically collapsed into Grey's car half asleep. They'd come to pick me up because school had ended early for them today, the reason had been explained to me but I'd completely not listened.

"I'm going to go to bed the second I get home," I sighed, barely keeping my eyes open.

"No you're not," Mitchell told me bluntly.

"I think I am," I countered, I could have been the most sleep deprived person on the planet and my instinct to win an argument would still overcome tiredness.

"Nope," Mitch looked the most depressed I'd ever seen him, "because tonight is parents evening."

That made me sit up in my seat and open my eyes, "what?"

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