73. Just me

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"I have a proposal," Mina announced.

"Fine, I'll marry you," I sighed heavily as if it was a huge hardship.

Mina half rolled her eyes before she continued determinedly, "my proposal is that we go shopping for Christmas presents after school tomorrow, it's late opening in town."

"Shit," I slapped a palm to my forehead, "I forgot how close we are to Christmas. Count me in, I've got nothing."

"Brilliant!" Mina beamed, "I knew I could count on you."

"I have no clue what to get any of the boys," I huffed, "what do you get people who have everything?"

"No clue," Mina reached over and tapped me on the nose, "but I promise you we will find it tomorrow."

"Now you're making serious promises here," I gave her a stern look.

"And I never make a promise I can't keep," Mina nodded with the same deadly seriousness.

We were clearly not the only ones who'd chosen to take advantage of the shops late night openings. The town was so packed it was difficult to move; moms with arms full of shopping struggling to contain the kids scampering around them, boyfriends and girlfriends holding hands and tugging each other through the compressed crowds and friends like us prying their way through to their desired shop.

"I've just discovered I have claustrophobia," Mina panted once we finally managed to make our way through a throng of people. She collapsed onto a bench with the one bag of things she'd managed to purchase, a bath bomb for her sister and a perfume for her mom. I had yet to find anything for any of the boys or my dad, not that I knew what I was looking for.

"I didn't know I could squeeze my body through such a small space," I flopped down beside her in defeat, "not that I have any clue what I want to buy even if we could manage to actually reach the doors to the shops."

"I promised we'd get you something, and I never break my promises," Mina's voice became threatening and I feared for whichever soccer mom was going to stand in the way of her getting the presents she wanted.

"I don't doubt it," I pressed my fingertips to my temples, "but please can it be soon I feel a headache coming on."

"Magic can't be rushed," Mina chided, "give me time."

"It's coming," I warned ominously, "my headache is well on its way."

Mina swivelled to face me so her eyes could look directly into mine, "Cara. Get your head in the game."

"Aye, aye Captain," I gave a mock salute.

"Right so what ideas do you have?" Mina prompted.

"Absolutely none," I sighed.

"Seriously," Mina gave me a withering look, "give me something to work with here."

"Well Mitch likes football, Sawyer likes piano, Grey likes swimming and Nico likes comedy," I summed up, "but I don't know what to do with that."

Mina thought for a moment before the most conniving of smirks floated her lips upwards, she lent back and folded her arms across her chest, "I know a present you could get that would please them all," the mischievous glint in her eyes told me that I did not want to know, "you."


"Uh huh," Mina was pleased with herself, "you wrapped up in a Christmas box with nothing on but ..."

"Stop talking!" I slammed my hands over my ears, beside me Mina rocked in laughter.

"Okay, okay," she held her hands up, "that's not for you. But there's still hope left, come on I've thought of something."

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