40. Play me

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"You look like someone who could do with a couple of beers," Nico commented bluntly as I entered the common room and found all four of them in there. Both Mitch and Nico were lying on the floor with their legs on the sofa staring at the TV above them from upside down while they played FIFA from this new angle.

"It's just the way you're looking," I shrugged.

"No," Grey objected, "I agree, you need a lot of alcohol to wipe away that frown."

"I hate my dad," I declared loudly.

"Join the club," Grey grinned.

"We have many members," Nico chimed.

"Meetings are every Thursday at 7," Mitch continued his face screwed up in concentration as he played from that awkward angle.

"I'm guessing I'm in the minority then," Sawyer gave a half smile, "I actually like my dad."

"You're not invited to the meetings then," Mitch declared, "don't worry you're not missing out, they're boring and whiny."

"So," I pressed on, "was this mention of alcohol a suggestion or an offering because now you mention it I'm feeling a strong urge to get absolutely hammered?"

"Maybe not the best idea, remember what happened last times you drank," Nico gave me a pointed look which allowed Mitch to get the ball off him in the game and score, Mitch let out a loud yell of delight and Nico groaned. 

Oh shit, I'd almost wiped that fateful night out of my memory.

"Touché," I sighed, "okay something else then."

"What makes you happy?" Sawyer asked meeting my eyes with his intense chocolate brown ones and as usual I found myself tumbling into them uncontrollably. It took me a moment to regain thought but then a slow wicked smile spread across my face as I realised my answer.

"That is not a good smile," Grey looked worried.

"Definitely not," Mitch confirmed, "that's scary."

Nico must've scored a goal and he whooped in joy. I waited until he was silent to speak up;

"How do you feel about poker?"

"Strip poker?" Nico brightened up instantly.

"No," I rolled my eyes though I definitely wouldn't have minded playing that with the boys, "betting poker."

"On a scale from one to scared, about a twenty," Mitch looked scared, but that could've just been stress from the game.

"I'm not usually a betting guy but I'd bet you're very good," Grey was staring me down.

"The best," I tilted my head with a evil smile.

Ten minutes later we were all sat in a circle on my bedroom floor while I dealt out the cards. Luckily they'd all played before at some point or another, mainly with family but Sawyer had learnt at some kind of scout camp (I could see him as a Boy Scout) so I didn't have to teach them the rules.

"What are we betting?" Mitch came up with the first problem.

"Something that means something to you," I replied simply, I wanted high stakes. It wasn't fun unless you had something to loose.

So all the boys went back to find something to put in the game while I set it up. I placed one of my favourite books that my mom had brought me in the centre of the circle. It was soon joined by one of Mitch's band t-shirts, a guitar pick from Grey, a piano music book from Sawyer and a swimming trophy from Nico.

"So how good are you?" Mitch asked eyeing his t-shirt sadly.

"Very," I grinned, "I was taught by the best and I've been playing for as long as I can remember."

My first memory was actually sitting under a poker table and handing my mum the cards she needed. She would draw the shape of the suit on her leg with her finger and then hold up however many fingers for the card she wanted. I would pass them up and help her win, she called it tactical playing instead of cheating. No one ever considered the five year old child on the floor could be a accomplice yet I had always been her partner in crime.

"Is it too late to back out?" Nico enquired.

"Scared Aguilar?" Grey teased.

"Yeah and so are you," Nico pointed out making all of us laugh, "look at her, I've never seen someone look so evil in my life. She's about to whoop all of our asses."

"You bet I am," I agreed happily, "so let's hurry up and play."

Sawyer was sitting to my left so he began. I could've beat all the boys anyway in my sleep as they had very little experience at this game but their poker faces were some of the worst I'd ever seen. Every time Nico picked up a card I could see his entire reaction in his eyes and although his face remained straight it was ridiculously easy to tell what he was thinking through how expressive his eyes were. Mitch was even more obvious as he would visibly tense or relax with each card letting me immediately know what he had. Sawyer was easy to read too, his face was scrunched up in concentration in the most adorable way which I couldn't help but smile at. Grey was trying to hard to keep a poker face which only made him easier to read as he was far too focused.

"Do you ever reveal anything?" Nico scowled at me as I held my cards close to my chest and smiled serenely at him.

"Only what I want to," I teased, I could pretend I had the worst hand in the world and act it out so well I'm sure I could convince them all. I'd done it before to far more experienced players.

"Is it time to give up yet?" Grey complained in a whine.

"Come on," I toyed with them, "we haven't got to the best bit yet. When I whoop all your asses."

"Stop grinning it's annoying me," Mitch frowned.

"Y'all love it really," I stick my tongue out at him.

As we all lay out cards out at the end it was obvious how easy my win had been. Nico had an awful hand and Sawyers wasn't much better. Grey's was half decent and Mitch's was surprisingly good and he seemed extremely pleased with himself when I told him so. However, it didn't come close to beating mine, a straight flush. That was the second best hand you could get after a royal flush. My mom was known for her royal flushes (no innuendo intended) but I'd learnt not to put pressure on getting one specific hand but went with the flow to get the best I could.

"Seriously?" Mitch huffed dramatically but I could tell he wasn't that bothered.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I have a mock bow with a smug smile, "I'm here all week ladies and gentleman."

"Show off," Grey glowered.

"I'll miss you," Nico kissed his trophy dramatically before handing it over to me and pulling a face as if he was handing over his own child, "please take care of him."

"I promise he'll been given lots of love and care," I swore.

"He better."

"When do you reckon you'll be up for another game then?" I asked, my sour mood now a thing of the past. I'd nearly forgotten how much I loved playing poker, I loved how much I had to think and how my brain strained as I analysed every last detail. I loved the thrill of it and the high stakes. I loved the moment when the game reached its climax and you finally lay out your hand and then it was over. There was a winner and a loser and it was as clear cut as that. There were no grey areas only right and wrong. I needed that right now.

I needed a win for once.

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