Chapter 5: Alec

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Ryder frowned. "I must be out of shape." He looked down at his stomach quizzically, lifting up his shirt to see an impressive six pack.

To his even greater disappointment, I wasn't even phased. Hey after my training the guys all had six packs, except Carter. He has an eight pack.

Ryder frowned but I was already on the couch. "What's with you and movies?" He grumbled resuming our previous position.

Rolling my eyes at him, I laughed. "The correct question would be, what's with me and Vin Diesel. He is the man." I informed him no sooner than I regretted it.

His chest rumbled darkly and his grip on my waist was painfully tight. "Mine. The only man you can praise is me." He threatened.

I tried in vain to loosen his grip. "Geez! He's like twice my age I was kidding! Let go Hulk!" It was then he snapped out of it and loosened his grip, still muttering obscenities.

Alec was frowning beside me but didn't say any thing. A while later I pulled up the edge of my shirt to see a bright purple bruise forming on my waist and had to bite my lip so I wouldn't cuss.

A thunderous growl erupted beside us and I yanked my shirt down, looking up so see Alec now standing with clenched fists. His eyes flashed from my waist, to Ryder before he stormed outside.

"Alec!" Ryder called but he was already gone. His eyes glazed over as he mind linked him, but from the frustrated look on Ryder's face I knew he wasn't responding.

Putting my hand on his arm calmed him a bit and his eyes returned to normal. "Dammit. I don't know what's gotten in to him." He muttered.

I could tell he was worried. "Let me talk to him." I offered. Ryder looked hesitant. "Come on, it's worth a shot and it's not like he'd hurt me." Slowly Ryder nodded.

"Fine. Take Ryan and Al with you though." He said nodding towards two warriors by the door. I nodded and stood up. A hand caught my wrist and I looked back at him. "Be careful Red." Smiling, I nodded at him and walked out the door.

It was chilly out and I vaguely regretted not grabbing my jacket. Luckily I had a thick, long sleeve, black shirt on.

He was pretty far out in the woods when I found him. Ryan and Al agreed to wait a ways away but I knew they were within earshot.

I walked up beside Alec. Hearing me he turned. The confliction of anger and sadness in his eyes nearly broke my heart.

Pulling out a pad of paper and a pen he nearly laughed. I began scribbling on the page.

'You okay?' I passed him the pad and he sighed.

After a moment he passed it back. 'Not really, no. I just watched my Alpha, my best friend, hurt our Luna with out even realizing it.'

This time I sighed. 'Exactly. He didn't mean it. He doesn't know it and you're not going to tell him.' I watched him begin to protest, but shushed him.

As he wrote I noticed Ryan and Al becoming increasingly frustrated at their inability to eavesdrop.

'Red if he doesn't know he won't figure it out.'

At that I did laugh. Alec just shook his head. 'Look Alec, I am a big girl and I've been through a lot worse. Can you just accept he didn't mean to and didn't realize?'

Looking up at me I felt his eyes soften before he scribbled his response. 'Fine. This once I won't tell. For you. But if anything like it happens again, best friend or not, I'm intervening.' Reading it I smiled.

'Thanks Alec.'

He smiled back at me. 'Anytime.'

I noticed Al and Ryan creeping closer and shook my head. Shoving the paper in my pocket I smacked Alec's arm, startling him.

"Now come on you big baby. I'm missing my movie and it's all your fault." I teased. Alec rolled his eyes at me.

"Well then you better hurry up." With that he ran off towards the house with me right behind him.

I knew he let me win and normally I would take offense to that, but something about him made me think of it as more of a playful gesture.

We both fell onto the couch panting slightly after we'd sprinted a good mile. Looking up the credits began rolling.

"Dammit Alec!" I yelled pushing him off the couch.

He hit with a thud and shot me a playful glare. I stuck my tongue out at him and he rolled his eyes, moving back onto the couch.

I felt Ryder's arms around my waist, but stepped out of them, into the kitchen beside us, getting a glass of water. Alec did the same.

Then I got an idea. Ryder was looking at Al undoubtedly asking what we'd said. I quickly found a lighter and pulled out the paper.

"Hey Red where's that paper?" Ryder wondered just at I lit the corner.

It went up and at the very last second I dropped the corner into my glass. "Oh that paper?" I wondered sweetly.

Ryder's mouth drooped and I tossed the glass of water. Alec watched with subtle amusement before his eyes glazed over. He nodded a moment later as refilled my glass of water. They were all good again I guess.

Looking at the clock I realized it was already three in the morning. I guess these people don't sleep. It wasn't till I saw them all looking at me I realized I'd said it out loud. Oops. Oh well.

Ryder looked at the clock and chuckled. "Come on Red. Night guys!" He called taking my hand and leading me up the stairs.

"Morning guys!" I called out on our way up, earning a few chuckles and responses.

Hey guys! I hope you liked it, I haven't really gotten any feedback on this story, so if you could leave a comment and tell me what you think I'd love it!

Thanks for reading!

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