Chapter 29: Return

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The week after our little battle was messy, and I mean that literally. Kids were constantly fighting their own battles. I'm pretty sure a group of them tried to reenact ours.

My phone started to ring and I grabbed it off the table as I grabbed my jacket.


"Red, we found them." Carter? They still called every few days but aside a couple lone wolves and some tracks they hadn't found much.

I felt a lump rise in my throat. "What did you find?" I whispered, suddenly reluctant to hear the answer.

It was quiet a moment, as my heart hammered. "An army Red. Dozens of Rouges. Maybe hundreds." Hundreds? I wished with all my heart he was joking, but his voice told me otherwise. "There are only five of us. We're at a loss here Red." he admitted and I knew.

Without hesitation I responded. "Get out. I want all five of you on the next flight up." I demanded.

There was shouting in the back ground. "I'll see you soon Red." He whispered before the line went dead.

Sitting back down on the bed I slumped forward. Elbows on my knees I raked my fingers through my hair.

Flipping my phone back open I scrolled through the contacts until I found it. Hunter Reserve. Agitated and jumpy I slammed the phone shut and stood up.

The best thing to do was wait for the boys to arrive. I could get more information from them.

That many rouges should not be gathering in one place. It was unnatural.

Walking down stairs Louis came up beside me. "Is everything alright Luna?" he asked with a slight frown.

I nodded, giving him a small smile. "I'm fine Louis. Really." I assured, and reluctantly he nodded. Louis is definitely a sharp one.

The two of us walked over to Kylie's quietly.

Louis took his spot on the couch downstairs and we went up to her room.

"What's wrong?" I stated up at her on surprise. Am I really that easy to read?

Shaking my head I opened her window, looking out at the lake. "Nothing, just distracted." I admitted. She didn't look convinced, but didn't push it.

Five hours later I was headed back to the pack house when I got a text. They were by the boarder. It would be better if someone else received them I believe.

Glancing over at Louis, he looked up at me. "Is Alec busy?" I wondered. With raised eyebrows his eyes fogged over. His head shook no and I nodded. "Can you ask him to come by?" It only took about fourty seconds for me to see Alec walking up.

"What up Red?" He wondered with a smirk.

Rolling my eyes at him, I smiled as well. "Hey Alec." Knowing him I decided to cut to the chase. Walking over I leaned up to whisper in his ear.

Alec scowled at me with obvious disapproval, but headed off in that direction regardless. "What are you up to?" Louis questioned as I walked up into the pack house.

"Oh nothing." I lied bluntly and it made him scowl at me as well.

Louis plopped down on the couch. "Whatever. If Beta Alec is okay with it so am I." He says that now, I though to myself.

Walking into the sound proof board room I'd found last week, I took a seat. Minutes later the guys walked in with Alec, glowering at Carter. All five of them were arm to the teeth and I laughed despite myself.

Jumping up I hugged each of them. "I'm so glad you're safe." I admitted under my breath. Looking back at Alec I noticed him making himself comfortable. "Alec." Looking at him expectantly he rose a finger up at me.

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