Chapter 23: Visiting Hours

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Ryder had already left for the day and I was getting ready. Pulling my hair up in a high pony tail I threw on an old sweatshirt, a pair of skinny jeans and my combat boots. Deciding I looked fine, I headed downstairs. 

When I got down their Jake was sitting on a stool on his phone. His head snapped up at me and he got up. Laughing I shook my head. "You're the watch dog?" I teased and he scowled at me.

"I'd prefer guard to watch dog." He commented but I ignored it as we walked into the woods. "If I find out you are cheating on Alpha with one of these guys I will kill you." He told me as we walked side by side.

Not even glancing at him I nodded. "As much as I'd like to see you try, that's not happening. These guys are more like family." Telling him this honestly he nodded.

"I'm not sure they feel the same."

Sighing I paused before  ducking under a low branch and continuing. "I know." Jake looked over at me in surprise but I shrugged. "It doesn't change anything, so it's best to let them get over it on their own." He nodded and we were silent the rest of the way there.

When I got there I was attacked from every angle. The twins ran at me from either side, but I jumped over them, catching Nina and swinging her onto one hip in the same motion I have Gale a one armed hug. "Welcome back." He teased. "I have a meeting to go to but I'll see you around kiddo." He told me ruffling my hair and walking off. 

Jace and Seth each gave me a hug. "What took you so long?" they teased.

Before I could answer the twins caught my free hand and pulled me to the playground. By the time I got to the actual playground there were at least nine kids on me and it was getting hard to, let's see, walk, see, breath.

"Train ends here!" I announced slightly out of breath. They all jumped off, running to the playground, and pulling me in various directions. "Hey guys come here!"

All the kids ran to me as I crouched down and we huddled. "So two yards behind me there is a really grumpy guy. Here's what I want you guys to do." They cheered when I was done. "You think you guys can do that for me?" a chorus of 'yes's rang out and I grinned at them. "Okay break!" I shouted.

Stepping back Seth and Jace came on either side of me. "What did you?" I hushed them, enjoying the show.

The kids were stalking up to Jake mischievously and he was just starting to notice. "Get him!" The twins cried. Wide eyes Jake ran from the stampede of pups on his trail.

Jace doubled over beside me and Seth was shaking his head with an amused look. Laughter dying out, I wiped a tear from my eye. "Some times it's good to be me." I admitted to myself. "So we have about three hours of big kid time. What do you guys want to do?"

In the end we just wound up playing XBox and talking. We went out on the porch as the afternoon faded. Jake came into sight then. His shirt was in shreds and there were twigs in his hair. Remnants of tape and what I hoped to be mud were left on his pants and he looked incredibly out of breath.

The twins and kids came into view and Jake sprinted up to hide behind my chair. "Thanks kids!" They all grinned up at me. "Brownies are in the kitchen." I told them nodding towards the door beside Jake, who moved farther away from it when their faces lit up. "You guys earned it." I told them looking Jake over again.

The twins fist bumped me as they all charged into the kitchen. "What do you put int those brownies?!" Jake demanded.

Smirking I only shrugged. "Who knows." He fell onto his back, catching his breath and I looked down at my phone. "We have to leave in ten minutes." I informed him.

Jake lept to his feet. "Or we can go now before the monsters get back!" His voice was hopeful. 

"Looking like that?" I questioned. 

Looking down at himself for I assume the first time he groaned. "I'll change at the boarder, I have extra clothes there." He reasoned.

Sighing I stood. "Alright fine. Bye guys. Pass my number along to Jackie!" They nodded and we left.

On the boarder I stood with my back to him as Jake changed. "Just for the record," Jake stated behind me. "That never happened." My phone vibrated and I looked down at a picture of haggard Jake hiding behind my chair, from Jace. 

"Of course not." I told him, not bothering to cover the evil smirk he couldn't see. 

When we got to the pack house Ryder ran out, lifting me up just under my butt so we were the same height. "I'm back." I teased and he shook his head.

"It makes me anxious when you leave." He whined before looking over at Jake. "Everything went fine?" Jake nodded before Ryder frowned. "Were you wearing that this morning?" Before Jake's eyes got wide, Ryder shook his head looking back up at me. "I'm glad you're back." He told me sweetly. 

"So am I." We both looked over to see Alec walking down the porch. "I'm getting hungry." He informed and I rolled my eyes.

Ryder shot him a look. "You've become a very constant third wheel." He informed and I hit his arm. He gave me a 'What?' look and I rolled my eyes.

Alec shrugged. "You want me to bring a date?" The question was presented so nonchalantly that I just had to laugh.

"No need." Ryder set me down and I walked up, hooking arms with Alec. "Come on, I actually made a special dinner tonight." His ears perked up.

"Oh yeah? What for?" He wondered but I just ran up the stairs with the two of them at my heels. 

I made them wait on the couch as I finished cooking dinner. I did all the preparation this morning. 

As I set the table I could practically see their tails wagging and mouths watering. Boys. I had everything laid out perfectly before looking up to see them now watching me intently. So they do know 'stay'. "Alright." I waved them over. "You can com-" They were already in their seats. "-e sit." I finished rolling my eyes as I took my seat. 

Once our plates were filled Alec looked up at me. "Are you going to tell me what this is for?" He wondered and Ryder looked up at this. Placing one hand on my stomach his eyes bugged. "You're pregnant?" He demanded.

Ryder's hands flew up. "It isn't mine!" He declared before frowning. "Wait. It isn't mine!?" He looked enraged.

Putting my head down I pinched the bridge of my nose. "I'm not pregnant." I growled. My hand dropped and I lifted my sweatshirt to see my tank and stomach. Do I look pregnant? I didn't think I had gained weight.

Ryder's hand pulled down my sweatshirt. "You don't look pregnant." He informed, growling at Alec who looked embarrassed and apologetic.

"Anyway," They both looked up at me and I looked over at Alec. "This is to thank you for everything you did while Ryder was in the hospital."

Alec's lips pulled up into a smile. "Anytime." He promised.

Ryder looked very confused. "Alec's the one who comforted the pack and kept them calm. He also took care of me." Alec looked down at his plate abashedly.

I watched Ryder's eyes glass over a bit. "Alec." Alec looked up at Ryder. "Thank you." Alec nodded.

At a loss he looked down at his plate. "Can I eat now because I'm starving and food has never smelt so good in my life." Laughing I nodded and they both dug into their plates.

While I ate my plate they finished just about everything.

By the time they finished I didn't have to worry about left overs. "I'm so full." Alec groaned as I stood.

"Same here." Ryder added.

"That's too bad." I told them opening the fridge. "I made your favorite." Pulling out the cake Alec's eyes bugged.

"NOOO!" He cried scrambling to his feet. "I want it!"

And that's how I ended up sitting in the corner with a piece of cake and watching Ryder and Alec fight over cake. Again.

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