Chapter 47: To the Death

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Red's POV

My contractions had hit. I knew pain, but not like this, and not these muscles.

We had locked ourselves in the basement. "You're sure you don't want me to call Seth?" Kylie asked for the last time.

My head shook as she lay out the blankets and towels before changing the towel over my fore head. "Kylie, pass me a rolled up towel." Giving me a curious look she handed me one. "I'm going to bite on it to mute my screams." A horrified look passed briefly, chased away by understanding.

Pack wolves still circle the territory. They'd hear me and most likely break in and/or figure it out. That's when my water broke.

The next two hours I clenched my fists and teeth until my palms and mouth was bloody, pushing because a life depended on it. With one last push I felt the release and it was over.

I heard faint crying before Kylie handed me a small blanket. Because of our limited sources I still didn't know the gender. "Congratulations Red. It's a boy." Her words seemed to fade into the background.

Such a small, warm bundle and a sleeping face no bigger than my palms. His eyes slowly opened. They were bright hazel that has long since had the ability to take my breath away. His little patch of hair was a deep chestnut brown. He looked just like his father.

He was my child. A reason to live, no matter what. Someone so defenseless that I would protect with my life.

Kylie knelt beside me. "He will be strong and handsome and kind. There is no doubt in my mind." Kylie spoke softly beside me.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "Kylie, will you be his god mother?" Shock and tear sprung up in her eyes.

Hand raised to her mouth, a moment I worried she would reject it, but the happy grin on her face and slow nod of her head relieved my worried completely.

"Red, I would be honored." She whispered and we hugged with a small, sleepy bundle carefully held between us.

I was ready. Kylie had received word. They were massing on the far border. They were here. Pulling my hair back into a pony tail I suited up. My familiar black pants and tank top with boots and three knives, one silver, concealed on my person.

'You ready?' I asked Courtney.

'I am. Question is are you?' I didn't respond. It didn't matter. They were here.

Walking down the stairs I met Kylie in the living room. She would take my baby away. Keep him safe during the fight. We didn't know if the pack would attack the newcomers immediately, but at least we knew they were aware and prepared.

Kylie's eyes filled with sorrow. "Red I'll fight with you. We all will." She whispered, one last offer.

I stood before them, taking my boy into my arms. "No. I need him safe and I need to take him on alone. No one else has to die." Kylie relented. "Stay concealed. Don't come out until I call for you, or one of ours comes to tell you its over." She nodded, but I know Kylie has as stronger will than that. "No Kylie, you must swear to me."

"Red, I swear to you I will." Her eyes ran wild with emotion and I had no doubt mine did as well.

Looking down at my baby I gave him a small smile and he gave a scream in response. "I love you baby. Momma will always love you." I whispered holding him tight one last time before handing him to Kylie.

The two of us held each other tight a long moment. "I love you Kylie." I whispered as we let go.

"Oh, don't go all sentimental warrior on me now Red. Just come back to us." There was a glisten of unshed tears in her eyes.

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