Chapter 20: Good to be Back

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Red's POV

Much to my surprise I woke up in a hospital bed beside Ryder, our fingers entwined. I don't know how exactly I knew it was Alec, but I did and it made me laugh.

Ryder was still under heavy morphine and probably wouldn't wake up for another day or two.

My arm felt cold and I realized my sleeve was gone. How many people noticed my scars? Surely it was too hectic for them to notice such a thing.

A knock came on the door just before Alec walked in. "Hey." he had a small smile as he walked over. "How's he doing?" I looked back at Ryder and took his pulse again.

"Really good actually. His pulse is getting stronger faster than I've seen yet. He should wake up tomorrow." I told him with a hopeful smile.

Alec nodded. "That's great." his words were genuine but I knew there was something else. "That means you, little nurse, can go shower and get dressed and eat something." What is he crazy? It must have shown because his arms crossed over his chest. "You said so yourself he's doing great."

I shook my head at him, sending more curls loose. "Doesn't matter. I'm not leaving." I told him bluntly.

The challenge flashed in Alec's eyes and I knew I was screwed, no matter how good a fighter I am. "I'll drag you." he warned. I stayed defiant and he shrugged. "Fine by me." I couldn't get out of the bed fast enough.

His arms circled me, locking my arms to my side. Without my feet on the ground I tried in vain to kick him. "If you stop struggling I'll keep your bear arm to my chest." he was bargaining and I felt my heart stop.

"Please don't tell." I begged and he sighed.

"I won't, okay. I don't understand and I don't need to. I respect your privacy." breathing out my relief he still carried/dragged me out the room and all the way to the fifth floor where he stood guard outside the door.

After a long hot shower I put on another black long sleeve and a pair of dark denim jeans. The were worn a bit, soft but still darker in color.

Throwing my hair up I opened the door. Alec looked at me expectantly. "Have you had breakfast?" I asked him semi-awkwardly.

Chuckling he shook his head, taking the underlying invitation as he walked in.

I'd made us breakfast only to return to Ryder's room. We continued in a similar pattern for the next twenty four hours and I found out Ryder's mom visited all the time I was gone, his dad sometimes coming by while I was there and once apologizing for his mate's behavior. At least Ryder's father accepted me.

The nurse told me Natalie had been by as well. They were nice and kept me well informed.

Alec and I had just returned from breakfast a day later when I felt Ryder's fingers tighten around my own.

Gasping I leaned over him as his eyes fluttered. "Ryder, can you hear me?" a small groan parted his lips in response. Could he be in pain? No it should have warn off and he still had a morphine drip.

This time his eyes did open and I felt my entire body relax at the sight of his soft hazel eyes. "Red." he murmured. My hand tightened around his.

"I'm right here." I assured. "Alec!" I called and he swung in. Catching sight of Ryder he grinned.

"Welcome back man." he teased walking in.

Ryder regarded him carefully. "Where was I?" he questioned with a suspicion I didn't understand.

Alec shook his head. "In the land of the dead until your diligent little nurse stepped in." he mocked both of us. Difference is I smacked him. Scowling he rubbed his arm. "By the way Doc Wen has ALOT of questions about that cure of yours." Of course he did.

Ryder's frown deepened. "What cure? What happened?" He was desperate to understand.

I brushed the hair from his forehead before beginning. "During the ceremony, rouges attacked. We frightened them off"

"You frightened them off." Alec corrected and I shot him a look.

"But when they were leaving they shot you with a silver blow dart." I concluded.

Ryder's eyes widened at sliver and he looked at Alec for confirmation. "Gave us the biggest scare of our lives. Everyone panicked except Red. She was barking orders left and right. Tending your wounds, making some kind of antidote and giving the doc instructions." At some point in his speech Alec's eyes flickered from Ryder to me.

I could only look at Ryder. "Really" I couldn't tell if it was a statement so I didn't respond.

"You've been out for two days." I told him and he only nodded.

Ryder's good arm stretched out, his two fingers hooking my belt loop and pulling me closer. "I'll give you two some privacy." Alec informed with a chuckle before I heard the door.

My forehead pressed against Ryder's. "Love, it's alright." he whispered, brushing away a stray tear.

My head shook slightly, never leaving his. "Ryder, I've been out of my mind." my voice shook a little.

His lips brushed mine softly and briefly. "It's alright love. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." He whispered.

Just then the door burst open and Julia flew in. Hand outstretched she pushed me out of the way. "Oh my Baby!" she cried, drowning out Ryder's muffled growl.

Deciding it would be better for him, I went for a walk instead. Alec had disappeared so I just went outside and soon found myself at the lake where I met Kylie.

Kylie. How is she? I was about to go find her when I heard Alec calling my name.

Turning I saw him jogging up. "Hey you disappeared. Ryder was worried about you." he informed, causing me to scoff.

"He's the one who almost died. He's in the hospital."

Alec chuckled. "He's an Alpha Male who can't find his mate." he reminded and I just rolled my eyes, heading back to the hospital with him.

We passed Natalie in the hall and she glared at me despite her smirk.

In the room two nurses were trying frantically to calm Ryder and keep him in the bed, in vain I might add.

Walking in he didn't notice me while growling at them. I walked right up behind him and whack! I smacked the back of his head.

Whirling around his eyes locked on me and his arms shot out around me. "Why are you causing trouble?" I teased, but my heart wasn't in it.

His head nuzzled my stomach in response. Looking to the nurses I dismissed them, much to their relief and with small bows they left.

"Why did you leave?" he sounded hurt and I brushed my fingers through his hair.

"I wanted to give you some time with your parents." he let my waist go and I sighed. "Move over."

Ryder slid to one side of the bed and I rearranged his wires so I could crawl in beside him.

I turned onto my side beside him and put my head on his shoulder while his arm wrapped around mine.

"It's good to have you back." I whispered as we dozed off together.

Hey! So I just wanted to clear up any confusion. This is not the climax or anything. This is only the beginning of the story and the main plot is still to come. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Please comment, I'd love to know what you all think!

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