Chapter 38: Morning After

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Warmth. That's what I felt all around me. I moved to roll on my right side but felt myself unable to do so. Letting my eyes peak open I saw Ryder, still sleeping peacefully, arms locked around me. I guess that's something that'll never change.

Carefully maneuvering, I manage to turn to face him and snuggled closer. He made a noise, lifting his head as he began to stir.

His eyes opened to look down at me with a small smile. "Morning." he whispered.

"Morning." I teased back. With a small chuckle he rolled over, effectively squishing me. "Ryyderrr!" I groaned.

"Go back to bed." He mumbled against my hair.

Eyes narrowed I pulled my arms up, placing my hands on his face and pushed. His head at arms length he shot me a look between my fingers. "Imm nof pleezed." He muttered between my fingers, proping him self up and rolling back over as I sat up.

About to swing my legs out of bed, I turned only for a pair of arms to catch my waist as they always do. "Stay." I shook my head at him.

"And do what?" I wondered curiously.

A dark chuckle ran up my spine as he moved closer. "I could think of a few things." That sounded tempting and I knew it was time to get up.

"Nope." I announced standing up, happy his shirt fell below my butt, but not by much.

Looking over my shoulder he was scowling. "That's not nice." He muttered. Rolling my eyes I shook my butt at him and heard him growl before locking myself in the bathroom.

I'm a little sore, but I'm happy. We both are.

Now that he'd seen, I stared at my tops a long moment, before pulling on a black tank top. Walking out Ryder looked up at me in surprise. "So it really was about the scars." He mumbled to himself thinking I wouldn't hear. Deciding to let it go I just grabbed my brush, fighting my curls beside him.

Slowly he got up and hopped in the shower. When he walked out he was in his jeans, towle around his neck. "You'll catch a cold like that." I lectured as he walked into the closet.

He returned with a simple buutton down on and threw me one of my other shirts. "You too. It's getting colder out and I'd hate for you to get sick." Leaning down he kissed my forehead. "I have to get to work now. Damn early meetings." His hand ran through his dark brown hair, hazel eyes thoughtful.

Standing up I wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him a quick kiss. "Have a good day at work babe." He leaned closer to capture my lips again but I pulled my head away. "Time to go." I reminded.

"Walk me out?" He bargained.

Laughing I nodded, taking his hand.

When we got to the first floor everyone looked up in shock. Ryder told me the pack would feel more drawn and connected to me as their alpha female now. It was kind of nice except they all knew that we'd done 'it' and that was a little weird.

We stepped outside and Ryder gave me one last quick kiss before brushing back my damp hair. "Go back inside and stay warm okay? I'll be back this afternoon." He promised before running off.

I stood out on the porch after he left. It hadn't felt like much time at all, but now that I look around the trees bear their best reds and golds and it will even snow soon. We've been together quiet a bit of time.

I still have to make that call. The hunter organization won't like what I have to say, but they'll comply none the less. The door opened and I turned to see Louis. Hearing it before I saw it, I quickly rolled to the side as a large flower pot slammed into the ground where I was. "Luna!" Louis cried running over.

Looking up I couldn't see who it was, but had a pretty good feeling. His cries had stirred a few others and several made their way over, asking if I was alright. Louis looked livid. "Who would do something like that? I'll call Alpha." He declared.

Before he could I placed my hand on his arm. "It's aright Louis. I can handle this much." I assured with a smirk. Doubt and a flicker of fear ran over his features as he nodded. "You'll have to try harder than that!" I called up to whoever was up there.

Louis scowled at me. "Don't encourage them, that's dangerous." I just rolled my eyes at him. "Okay then stop making my job more difficult." Oops.

Shrugging I went inside to wait for Kyle, sitting on the downstairs couch. A few people slowly filled in around me. Next thing I knew there were children leaning up against my legs and crawling in my lap.

Stunned I just watched them curiously. The door flew open and Kylie walked in glaring at the kids.

"Give it up Kylie." I teased. "I have to go." I told the kids and they all nodded, getting up as I ruffled their hair.

Kylie and I went up to the fifth floor. She had been walking ahead of me the whole time. "I cannot believe that you gave in and let him mate you." Was I being scolded?

Grabbing a pillow I threw it at her. "Your such a prude."

"No, I'm reserved." Scoffing at her she chucked the pillow back at me.


I'm sorry it took so long! School and life are getting in the way. This is a transitional chapter and I will be carrying this book out until it's end. Thanks for reading! :)

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