Chapter 46: Falling Apart

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Ryder's POV

I've lost my father, my mate, even my pack. None of them trust me anymore, not that I can blame them. It's been months and we are all falling apart.

The first two months I had hope, but is has since dwindled. Damon hasn't spoken to me for a month. I've shut myself in my office, but even here isn't safe.

The fifth floor is where we ate together. She cooked for me only when I asked nicely or it was an occasion. Alec used to come third wheel for meals as often as he could, much to my dismay. That was where I held her every night as we fell asleep. Where we made love.

Just thinking about the room I could see it all, right down to sitting on the couch and watching a movie, knowing my attention was actually on her, and smiling a little wider everytime she snuggled a little closer under my arm.

Even my office wasn't safe. The times she kept me company here filled my thoughts. On the couch as I looked over paperwork, sitting on my desk. The time she called Damon and I her man. All of it only amplified the constant heartache and longing that had taken over my being.

Laying on the couch I stared up at the ceiling, wishing for a moment it would crumble, trapping me here, and just maybe take my mind off her, if even for a split seccond.

The thing that hurt the most was that she had done nothing. She just left. I knew Red like I'd never known anyone before. If she had something to say to you, she said it to your face. If Red was pissed at you she'd yell and scream and probably swing at you. She never even said a word. No she left as if I didn't mean anything to her. I have no right to think I should mean anything to her. In my head I know that, but my heart just won't accept it.

A knock on the door drew me from my thoughts. It could only be one of two people. My mother or Jake. I had no right to do anything to Natalie, but the pack did. She had been shunned and ridiculed and on two occasions attacked, and has long since fled.

The knock came again before the door opened and I glanced over to see Jake. His eyes scanned my hagard appearence with both disgust and pity. Jake was mad at me, especially the first month, but I assume the sight of my remorse is what kept him around. Then again what do I know.

"Come on man. It's been five months. This has to stop." Easy for him to say. He hadn't found his mate yet. He was a good guy and had a promise of love and happiness before him. "You look like a hobo and act like a corpse." Way to put it gently.

Jake grabbed a bottle from the floor before dumping it's contents over me. Bolting up I made to growl at him, but found only a strangled noise arose. "Even your wolf won't talk to you, which also means I can easily go against you." My eyes narrowed at him as he approached. "With that said," Taking a fist full of the back of my shirt he forcably hauled me to my feet. "It's time for a shower a hair cut and a shave. In that order too.

That's what I did, mindlessly.

Jake took over my appearence and nodded. "Better. Now let's go."

"Go where?" I wondered dryly.

"Let's go get you our Luna back, so we can get our Alpha back." His words sparked hope that my mind fought to contain.

"How? No reasonable person would forgive it let alone a mate." I reminded sternly following him outside for the first time in I don't know how long.

Jake turned to face me with a very evil smile. "Well then it's a good thing Red isn't. Let's face it, if it was she wouldn't have stayed with you the first day you found her." In an annoying way he was right, but it gave me a new sense of hope. She hadn't left the territory. A part of her wanted to be here, maybe a part of her still wanted me too.

Red's POV

Ryder. I wanted him. To see him, talk to him, feel his arms around me. Under diffrent circumstances I would have given anything for that. But right now I had to protect him, our baby and our pack and that trumped anything and everything else.

I could feel it. Something had changed with him and today he was comming close. I set down my news articles and turned to look at Kylie and saw her looking back at me. "I'll accept whatever choice you make. You know that." She knew. Of course she knew. Kylie has seen all my weakness.

My head shook. I was so close. If I gave in now, ran to his arms, I wouldn't be able to end it. He would protect me and our baby, maybe even fight back. Our only chance of winning would be for me to challange their leader. He would only accept me.

Kylie stood as the door bell rang, patting my shoulder gently.

I could hear Jake, then Kylie. "She doesn't want to see him." Her tone was clipped.

"Kylie." The sound of Ryder's voice seized me, draining the resistance away and making me weak. "I have to see her." He practically begged her.

'Kylie you have to get rid of him. Now.' I could hear her response in the cold and harch tone that her words held. "Get out of here Ryder, before I make you." She warned. There was growling, but only for a brief moment and none of it Ryder's. "You aren't good for her health." She concluded before the door slammed shut.

Soon she sat beside me again. "It'll be over soon." She promised. Nodding I just let a few silent tears slid down my face, before returning to my articles.

There had been attacks slowly leading up to us but now there were attacks all around us. They were taunting me. It was the same as with my grandmother. We had seen wolves in town. Two weeks later, they broke into our house when we weren't home. Finally they attacked, a week after the break in.

So far there have been attacks equdistand from our perimeter. Kylie had also picked up their scents along the far border, only three days ago. They would attack in four days. My baby would be here in the next two or three. Any longer and I was ready to force myself into labour. 

This story is coming to a close :/ There are only a couple chapters left that will be up in the next couple days, s0 stick around!

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