Chapter 10: Return

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Red's POV

I watched the boys head off into the forest in relief. I really do care about them but I'd like to prevent World War III.

Turning to Jace I smiled at him. "It really was good to see you again." I told them honestly.

Jace and Gale grinned at me. "Jackie will be so mad she missed you. You'll have to come meet up with her one day." Gale told me.

"I will, promise."

Gale pulled me into a big bear hug. "You'd better. We've missed you around here kid." He murmured the words against my hair before letting go.

As soon as he was gone Jace replaced him. "Ah Red, it really is too bad. We'd have made a good team." He set me down and I punched his shoulder playfully.

"Partners in Crime, remember?" I teased.

"Partners in Crime." He echoed blissfully.

Looking back towards the woods I laughed. "I'd better get going before the Big Bad Wolf comes back. I'll see you guys soon!" I called over my shoulder jogging off after Ryder.

Of course he hadn't wandered far. Out of earshot but not out of screaming distance.

As soon as he saw me I was in his arms again. "Is this a habit of yours?" I mused.

He sighed. "It still convinces me your real. Your mine. It may lessen a bit with time and maybe once your marked, but I make no promises." His voice was calm and patient but I knew he wanted to leave so I pulled him along.

We returned late and Alec left for patrol. Poor guy will be exhausted.

Ryder and I went upstairs and settled on our couch. He was flipping through the stations with his other arm around me. My head was on his chest and my legs pulled up beside me.

"Hey Ryder?" He hmmed so I continued. "Can I go back to my apartment tomorrow?" He stiffened so I hurried to continue. "I just need to pick up some clothes and stuff. I borrowed someone's today but I can't do that forever."

Ryder relaxed a bit and resumed channel surfing. "Alec and I have boarder patrol and a meeting tomorrow. Can it wait another day?" He asked without looking at me.

No. No it can't. Looking up at him he looked down at me. "Please? I'll take someone with me. I just need to grab a few things." I could tell his resolve was fading and I leaned closer. "It'll give me something to do until you get back. Please." Leaning even closer his breath hitched.

"As long as you take two guards and my third." He told me in a raspy voice.

Biting my lip I nodded. That did it. Ryder dropped the remote and moved his hand around the back of my neck. His lips crashed on to mine and my arms wrapped around his neck.

One hand tilted my head for better access while the other pulled me onto his lap. Our chests were pressed firmly together and our lips moved in sync. It felt like bliss. It felt real. I didn't ever want to let it go.

Too quickly I ran out of air, leaning my forehead on his. Out of nowhere my ringtone blared and I reluctantly stood. Ryder grabbed my hips. "Let it go." He demanded but I shook my head snatching my phone up and walking to the kitchen.

"Red?" Carter. Relief washed through me. "We've landed and settled in and will begin updates soon. How are you?" He sounded worried and I smiled, spinning on my stool to look at Ryder.

He had his head thrown back over the couch in annoyance. "Carter, I'm actually good here. I ran into some old friends today even."

"Thank god." He sounded almost as relieved as I was. "So you're okay there? No ones hurt you or anything?"

I scoffed at him. "Hurt me? Who do you think you're talking to?"

He sighed. "I know. I worry." Jay yelled something I couldn't make out before taking the phone. "We are all good Red, so you take care over there and we'll talk to you in a few hours." With that the line went dead.

Oh boys. With a small laugh I closed my phone and set it on the counter.

Ryder still had his head back and I sat sideways on his lap. He pulled his head up to look at me. "You're friends were worried about you." He stated dryly.

"I know you don't like them, but they are good guys." I told him softly.

"And that's exactly why I don't like them." He reminded, draping an arm over my legs and around my side.

Placing my head under his chin I let his warmth comfort me. I felt so at peace with him, yet I hardly knew him. I hardly cared.

He settled on some comedy show and we watched in silence a while. I felt his finger tips brush the wrap on my right hand and noticed him tug the sleeve a bit.

"Does it hurt?" He whispered, almost nervous to hear the answer.

I felt the corner of my lips tug up. "No. I'm use to it." I had meant to comfort him, but his frown deepened.

He brought my wrapped palm to his lips and kissed it gently. "Not anymore. I'll protect you from now on." He assured.

Normally I would argue, but now's not the time. Instead I nestled into him and listened to his heart beat.

"Hey Ryder, how old are you?" I wondered aloud. He had to be at least twenty.

"Twenty two." He's Twenty Two? That's a five year difference. Should that bother me? I feel like it probably should, but it didn't.

Instead I asked the next question that came to mine. "Do you have any siblings?" A image of a mini Ryder and a girl like him running around popped into my head.

Pausing the show he looked down at me. "Why all the sudden questions?" He sounded amused but I only shrugged. "No I'm an only child. Speaking of, how do you feel about meeting my parents over dinner?" His parents? My eyes went wide and I felt my heart rate speed up a bit.

It must have been obvious because his face fell a bit. "Hey it's okay. I'll be there the whole time. They'll be back in two days." Two days. I nodded slowly. I could do that.

He noticed my nerves and his chest rumbled a bit. "It's okay Red. They'll love you." His hand cupped my face and his thumb stroked my cheek.

I nodded. "Sorry. I'm just not good with parents. Kind of a personal thing." He just nodded.

Ryder wrapped both arms around me. "Red will you tell me about your past?" His voice was low and pleading with an edge.

I know he only wants to understand, but I'm not ready to tell him. It's not simple and I don't want him to look at me different for it.

"Not tonight Ryder." I whispered, doubting he'd even hear me.

A sigh parted his lips. Turning I gave him a small kiss and stood up. "I'm going to get ready for bed." He nodded.

Once I changed back to my pjs, I found him in bed. Laying on his back, his arms were behind his head. Crawling into bed beside him, I just lay down beside him and fell asleep.

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