Chapter 30: Training

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Sleep that night was futile. I kept waking to the hammering of my own heart, but this time I awoke shaking in a cold sweat.

Ryder's arms tightened around me as he stirred. Grabbing the front of his shirt, I buried my face in his chest.

"Red?" Ryder murmured, sitting up slightly to look down at me. Our eyes met and he took a sharp breath, his fingers brushing my cheek gently. "What's wrong love?" Shaking my head I sat up and he did as well.

Wrapping my arms round him I smashed my lips to his. The shock wore off and he responded to me in a hungry, needy kiss.

Pulling apart to catch out breath he pulled me up into his lap. "What scared you love?" he wondered.

"I've never had so much to loose." is all I said, but he understood. Having people you care about inevitably leads to the fear of loosing them.

Ryder lay us back down but neither of us slept, nor spoke as the sun rose.

Earlier than I would have liked, we both rolled out of bed, and got ready. Sliding him a plate of bacon and eggs, he smiled at me. "I have to go work with the warrior wolves on hand to hand combat. Care to join?" Returning a small smile I nodded. That sounded really good.

When we were done eating we walked down hand in hand, and out to a large field farther out in the woods. There were several fighting dummies along one edge and a group of mostly late twenties and mid thirties men, some older, some younger, and a few women, for which i was glad.

They all stood in a military stance already to go. All at once they gave us a respectful nod. Ryder looked over his warriors with pride. "For your training today Luna Red will be joining us. I expect you to show her respect." They all nodded and some gave me a small smile, especially the chics.

Smiling I nodded back at them. A small boy, no more than thirteen ran out, before stepping into rank towards the back. One of the bigger guys moved from the front, picking the kid up. "Go home Sam." He growled at the boy who continued to thrash, but was unable to reach the taller man.

"I want to fight too!" He argued.

I had to admit I was impressed by this little blond spitfire of a boy. He had guts. motive. Looking up at Ryder he looked down at me and shook his head. Scowling back at him he sighed in defeat.

"No. You're too young." The other man spoke firmly sounding a bit annoyed.

"Why's that?" I wondered curiously, walking over to them.

The man looked up in surprise. "Luna. Well he's only thirteen ma'm." The boy stop struggling as I stood behind him.

Leaning down I whispered in the boy's ear. He grinned at me before wrapping his legs around the man's arm. Released in surprise, he was then able to strike the large man and land on his feet by spinning mid air.

I gave the kid a high five as I moved to help the larger man to his feet. "Age is just a number. If you give him proper training, he'll be a good fighter." I praised and the kid blushed a bit.

"Yes but he might not be able to endure training, and that wasn't a fair fight." he spoke a bit flustered.

Raising an eyebrow I suppressed a laugh. "Fair fight? No such thing." I assured. "Three full grown rouges against a human with one steel knife isn't fair either is it?" His head shook and I smirked. "Pity no one told them it wouldn't be a fair fight then huh? Maybe those rouges would have lived." The shock on his face was quickly replaced with admiration.

Ryder shook his head beside me. "I'm still not happy about that." He muttered. "She's right though." He told the entire field. "Fights aren't about being fair, it's about being smart and precise." Everyone nodded at him. "You wanna take the lead today?" He offered and I grinned up at him. "Like I have to ask."

We moved to the front and the kid moved into rank. "I need three volunteers." They all exchanged worried looks before a tall brunette pair of twins stepped forward, one girl, one boy, and an older man, about forty five or so with salt and pepper hair. "What are your names?" I wondered.

Then I heard it. The scoff in the back ground. My eyes focused in on the tall blond in the back looking annoyed. "Is something wrong?" I asked calmly walking to stand right in front of her.

"Yes. Yes there is." She stated clearly. "I think you're all bark and no bite." There were gasps and growls all around us. A sickening grin spread over my face, making her flinch.

"I might not be a werewolf, but I would love to prove you wrong." I spoke, gesturing to the empty space behind us.

Smirking at me, she nodded walking out into the free space. I followed. "Red!" Ryder bellowed.

Facing him I began walking backwards. "It's fine. Besides, you've never actually seen me fight have you?" Before he could respond I threw him my phone from my pocket. "Video tape it for Kylie will you?" He growled at me, but it died out as I pulled off my jacket.

She was pulling her hair up in a pony tail, but I didn't bother. I never did. "Any rules?" I wondered.

"First to draw blood."

"Going medieval on me are you? I like it." She frowned at me before adding.

"No weapons."

A few people began to argue it wouldn't be a fair fight, but I only laughed, pulling a knife from my sleeve and throwing it by my jacket. "No such thing as a fair fight. This'll be much more interesting." I agreed and she scowled.

I heard Ryder muttering off the the side. "She had a knife there?" Oh well. "Begin." Ryder announced as we began to circle one another.

She lunged at me, but at the last second I side stepped her. Whirling around she began to circle me again, but this time I stood completely still, and when she lunged again, I jumped over her, landing in a crouch.

Taking off in a dead sprint she ran after me. I ran right up the tree, landing behind her. By the time she turned I had her pinned against a tree wit one arm, my foot on hers to dis arm them. "Too bad your bark doesn't match your bite." I told her thoughtfully, taking a piece of loose bark from the tree before slicing her cheek with it. The cut was barely there but blood was evident.

Turning my back on her, I heard her shift. She lunged but I rolled to the side. One man made to restrain her only to be bitten. "Leave her. She needs to get it out of her system." My bluntness est her off even more. I could only imagine how humiliated she was. It was her fault though. Her eyes showed confliction and I knew it was time to end it.

This time when she lunged I let her teeth graze my left arm so I could place a good punch on her left ear. Whimpering she fell to the ground, pawing lightly at her ear.

Walking over I watched her wolf submit to me by showing her neck. Grabbing my jacket I handed it to her, jerking my thumb to the woods. "Go change, you'll want to get that checked out." Slowly she raised her head, licking the blood off my arm before taking my jacket. Rubbing her right ear gently she nodded and ran off.

Glancing at my arm I shrugged. Ryder was beside me then. "You should have stopped before you got hurt." He growled and my eyes rolled at him.

"It's not even that bad." I lectured, grabbing my phone and sending the video to Kylie.

He didn't look impressed, lifting my arm to look at it. "Why would you send me a video?" Pulling my arm back, I spun around to see Kylie leaning against a tree. "I've fought along side you before." She reminded and I rolled my eyes at her.

"What. Ever." I teased back.

She looked over my arm then at Ryder, as she walked up. "Honestly Alpha? That's not nearly as bad as the picture from when-" I slammed my hand over her mouth with a glare. You show someone one picture from a particularly bad fight and she goes around telling your possesive alpha mate.

Ryder looked appalled and I hung my head. "I was a hunter. It happened. Get over it!" Throwing my hands up in the air I resumed training, and by the time we were done they were all drenched in sweat, sore, and better fighters for it.


Hey! Sorry it's late guys, but I hope it was worth it. School starts in two days and Im getting slammed this year but I'll still try and update as often as I can! Im aiming for three times a week!

Thanks for reading!

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