Chapter 37: Letting Go

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After our make out session last night we had both calmed down a bit.

We were sitting downstairs having breakfast with Louis and Megan who had shown up while I was cooking.

The door swung open and Alec walked in. His eyes locked with mine before we both looked away. Growling, Ryder pulled my chair right beside his and I just stared at my food awkwardly.

"What the hell was that?" Megan hissed at Louis who remained silent as far as I knew.

"Alec you look like yyou've seen her naked or something." I stared up at Kylie in utter horror. How did she know? I hadn't told her.

Alec's mouth opened and closed but nothing came out. "Oh my god!" Megan screamed, whirling to look at me.

Louis looked. . . appalled, enraged, maybe a little constipated.

"It was an accident." I muttered.

"It won't be happening again." Ryder growled wrapping an arm around my waist as he ate angrily.

"Why aren't you dead yet?" I can't believe Megan just asked that but Kylie only laughed.

I was fed up. Standing up I slammed my hands on the table. "It was an accident! Let it go already!" I shouted at them throwing my plate in the sink and marching up stairs.

Hearing Ryder swearing he came running up the stairs after me.

"Red! Red come back!" Ryder called, catching me by my waist. "Hey it's okay." He whispered.

Nodding I took deep breaths just wanting the situation to be over already.

His finger tips brushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "Why don't you go ahead upstairs, spend the day with Kylie, I'll make sure they stay quiet about it, and when I get back I'll bring dinner?" that sounded perfect and I nodded.

He gave me a soft kiss and nodded. "I'll see you when I get back Love." Ruder turned to leave and my hand caught his.

"I love you." I'm not sure what propelled me to say it, but it was something I could never regret saying.

He grinned up at me, pulling up my hand to kiss it gently. "I love you too." With that he disappeared for the day.

Kylie left already. I was looking out from the window seat. Ryder's words kept echoing in my head. 'We decided to wait for you.' Thing is I love him. I'm ready for him. That thought struck me as I realized it was true.

I am ready. I'm just afraid. It might be ridiculous to think that he would reject me for my scars, but I am. Their physical proof of a life he hadn't entirely accepted yet.

So lost in my own thoughts I jumped when I felt his arms around me.

"And here I though you were sitting there waiting for me." he teased.

Rolling my eyes, I smiled up at him. "I'm sorry." I whispered, kissing him softly.

"Oh really? I expect a sincere apology." He informed, pulling me up with him.

I nodded, pressing my lips to his. Immediately I deepened the kiss, catching him by surprise before he took over as the dominant one.

Pulling back I bit his lip teasingly. "So what did you bring for dinner?" He playfully glared at me.

"I wasn't sure what to get so I figured, who doesn't like Chinese?" laughing at his logic I followed him to the table.

After dinner I went into the bathroom to change into my PJs.

Undressing I stopped to stare at myself in the mirror. The scars I've been so afraid of. Afraid of him seeing. Afraid of him rejecting me. He'd see them eventually.

Taking a deep breath, I pulled my towel firmly around myself and pushed open the bathroom door.

In his PJs Ryder jumped up, looking for a sign of danger before looking to me quizzically.

Carefully, I let go. Letting my towel fall to the floor, my arms by my sides. After a moment of shock his eyes shifting as Damon tried to take control, but Ryder didn't let him and focused his eyes on my face, and they stayed there as he walked over. That's when I knew I was making the right choice.

"Ryder, I'm not a good person. I've fought to the death more times than I care to admit, and have the scars to prove it," I felt silent tears stream down my face. "But I love you." My voice had fallen to a whisper as I searched his eyes.

His arms wrapped around me as they always had and he held me tight. "None of that matters. The fights. The scars. I only wish I could have protected you. Red, I will always love you." The words were murmured into my hair.

Looking up at him he stroked my cheek gently. Reaching up I slammed my lips onto his in a needy kiss.

That was how Ryder and I first mated.

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