Chapter 14: Meet The Parents

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Ryder took his place and I looked up at the couple before me . . . and almost did a double take. They were an older couple with bright blue eyes and brown hair and big smiles on their faces. I briefly noticed Natalie storming off from beside the couple when I arrived but had more important thoughts.

Seeing them in a dress shirt and pretty floral dress I felt some of my nerves subside.

"Hello. I'm John and this is my wife Julia." Ryder's father introduced while shaking my hand.

Smiling I nodded. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Red." I introduced myself while gripping Ryder's arm tightly.

Julia had tears in her eyes before running over and throwing her arms around me. Because she was so much taller my head was forced into her breast and I was too terrified to hug her back and I felt her using unreasonable force. It was like she wanted to choke me.

"Mom!" Ryder argued, pulling me back to his side.

I was secretly thankful to him in that moment as I readjusted myself. "Why don't we all go ahead to dinner while it's hot?" I suggested and took Ryder's arm. "Ryder will you help me with the dishes?" He agreed and they went to sit in the fourth floor dining room Alec already set up. Got to love Alec.

He whistled at the sight of all the dishes. "Red you know there's only four of us right?" He teased, but I shot him a look and he dropped it immediately.

Ryder's hand cupped my cheek and I leaned into him, my eyes closing a little. "You look beautiful Red." I felt a smile tug at my lips and looked up at him.

Remembering my purpose I pulled his hand down and stared intently at him. "Are you planning to tell them I'm a hunter?" I demanded, searching his eyes. Noting his reluctance to answer, I got mine. "Fine. But if asked I won't ever deny it." I warned him, stacking four of the seven dishes expertly on my arms and strutting downstairs.

I set the dishes out before them with a smile. "I hope you'll like it. Ryder wasn't much help." The couple laughed.

"Heyyy, Reeedddd." Ryder whined like a little kid. "I am too helpful." He defended, taking his place at the head of the table.

I sat to his right and his parents to his left. "Oh Ryder your father and I are so proud you found your mate. Such a lovely girl." Her tone was sweet and flawless but her eyes were sharp. She spoke as we all began to fill our plates.

Ryder smiled and put his hand over mine. "She is." I felt myself blush and looked away, making them all chuckle.

"So Red, what do you do?" I looked up at Stephan. He had a simply pleasant air about him.

"Employment wise or recreationally?" I wondered.

His eyebrows rose at me curiously. "You are employed. I'd rather like to hear about that." He gestured to me with his glass before taking a sip.

"Yes." I told him with a smile. "I am an investor." He just stared at me. "I own a handful of companies." I clarified.

Stephan nodded appreciatively. "And how does a woman as young as yourself build such a career?" He wondered. We had caught Ryder's attention as well.

Taking a sip of water I nodded. "When I was younger I became interested in stocks. Made a smart investment and slowly began purchasing small and promising businesses. My age wasn't a problem since I did it all online and had the funds to support it." Stephan grinned at me with a bit of pride, and I felt myself sit up a little taller because of it.

Julia turned to me next. "So dear, how old are you?" She wondered.

Looking at her I twisted my fork, but kept my composure. "Seventeen." Julia's eyes went wide and Ryder started choking.

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