Chapter 26: A Solution

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A week later Kylie and I were sitting around the pack house with the radio on bored. People were still gossiping but we generally ignored it.

We were sitting upside down on the couch trying to think of something to do. "Kylie?"


"I've been upside down too long, this is starting to hurt." I informed as my heart beat pounded in my ears.

"Agreed." she announced.

We quickly rolled to the side and stood up. The moment I did I felt unbalanced.

Tipping slightly, I think I started to fall. "Whoa." A hand caught my elbow an I looked up at Jake. "Now I see why Alpha's being so picky." he muttered as I rightened myself.

The last week Ryder, Alec and Jake had been going back and forth on assigning me a main guard and apparently Ryder never thought any one guy was good enough.

I stuck my tongue out at Jake like a kid. "Maybe if I could go somewhere I wouldn't do stupid stuff like hang upside down for twenty minutes." I defended.

"Oh I got it!" I looked back at Kylie expectantly. "Let's just screw them and go into town anyway." the first and second time she suggested it I shot it down some what reluctantly.

Sighing I looked back at Jake. "That option seems to keep getting better and better." I admitted and he stiffened.

Jake observed me with sharp eyes. "I can't ignore that." he finally spoke.

"Ignore what exactly?" I wondered, stepping closer to him with Kylie moving in behind him.

"Luna, you know I can't just let you wander around alone, especially outside our territory." He informed, with a slight warning.

That was funny. "Who said anything about being alone?" Jake's eyes went wide.

Before he could speak Kylie pulled a sweatshirt over his mouth tying it and I snatched a blanket and we rolled it around him skillfully disarming Jake.

His eyes began to fog over and Kylie swore. "Pack link." she moved to knock Jake out but I grabbed her and my jacket.

"It's too late, besides it's more fun this way!" laughing madly we ran out the door.

"Let's make it a game." she added.

Pack members looked up in surprise until one of the guys just getting off patrol looked alarmed. "Luna!" he yelled.

I waved but didn't stop, causing him to take off after us. Pulling out my keys I jumped on my motorcycle and it roared to life.

Kylie held onto my waist and we took off. We were both giddy and she screamed 'Faster! Faster!' watching pack members swarm out around us.

When we crossed the boarder most of them fell back, except three. Two were in wolf form.

Like that would stop us. They couldn't show themselves in town and disappeared from my rear view mirror.

"Pullover up there!" Kylie instructed over the wind and I did.

We were at a small, dark cafe. There were a couple bikes there. When we entered several people our age, also dressed in leather looked up.

Ignoring them she lead me up to the bar style counter where the barista boy in a black tee with tattoo sleeves smiled up at us.

"Well if it isn't my long lost favorite customer." He teased and I gave her a questioning look.

Kylie waved us both off. "Two regulars in half the time." she requested and the guy chuckled.

"You never change." he muttered and set to work.

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