Chapter 39: Childish

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In the last week my stairs have been slicked, tacks were put in my shoes and laxatives were put in my food. Luckily I saw all of them coming, except the laxatives, but Jake just happened to decide to eat my food that day. I just took it as an act of karma.

Laxatives aside it was all pretty childish. Now starring at the pile of wolf poop outside our door it became childish to the point of making me mad.

It smelt horrid. Looking down I noticed it was all gathered on a bag they'd rolled down. Wow.

Irritated I rolled the bag back up and tied it tight. Even I could still smell it walking down the stairs.

"God! What is that smell?!" Alec demanded, walking in nose pinched shut, making his voice all squeaky.

Seeing the bag in my hand he rose an eyebrow. Ryder appeared behind him with a deep frown. "What are you doing?" He looked over at Louis questioningly.

"Cleaning apparently." I stated dryly.

"That reeks!" we all looked up at Jake.

Ryder smiled at him. "Hey, glad to see you're feeling better."

Jake shot me a death glare and before Ryder .could growl at him Jake was shouting. "I told you I wasn't sick. Someone put laxatives in my food!" I scoffed at him.

"Might I remind you that was my food, and that was just karma for taking my food."

Ryder looked between us with a knit brow. "Then someone put laxatives in your food?" I only shrugged.

Alec was scowling too. "That still doesn't explain why your holding a bag of wolf crap."

"Why is that still in the house?" Jake demanded.

They began to bicker.

"Hey. Hey! HEY!" the third time they all shut up. "Just let me throw the crap outside and let's be done with it." I spoke walking around them and out the door.

When I returned all three of them were cornering Louis, who looked panicked. "... flower pot, oil, tacks, and that." was all I heard him say.

The room was dead silent and I sighed. "Red." Oh man. Ryder's gonna kill me. He turned around excruciatingly slow and made his way in front of me. "You didn't think to tell me any of this?" I wanted to say that I had thought about it and that's why I didn't, but didn't want to start that fight.

"It didn't seem worth mentioning." he turned to shoot poor Louis another glare. "Hey, don't you glare at Louis like that." I demanded, pulling his chin to face me. "I told him not to make you worry, and now look. You're undoing all my hard work." I lectured.

He let out a deep breath, holding my shoulders. "I'm always going to worry about you. These are the kind of things you're supposed to tell me. I can take care of it." he assured, brushing back my hair.

"No Ryder," I told him softly. "This is something you have to let me handle. I am your Luna, and if I can't handle this kind of thing I don't deserve to be." it made him furious, but he knew it was true.

I was pulled into his chest. "Alright, I get it, just tell me next time." I agreed.

Leaning up I kissed his cheek. "Welcome home." He smiled at me. The door shut and I knew Louis was gone.

"See you guys later!" Ryder called, leading me up the stairs.

"Adios!" They shouted up after us, making me laugh.

Ryder sat down on our couch and pulled me onto his lap. He turned on a movie neither of us were really watching. "You're getting use to it." I turned to look at him questioninglly and he smirked. "Pack life." The fact that didn't even phase me further proved his point.

"Does that mean you want me to stir up trouble?" I expected him to scowl so when he grinned I felt fear flash through me.

"Maybe." He whispered leaning closer.

Rolling my eyes I pushed his face away. "Whatever."

"Speaking of pack life," He returned to the subject as he pulled my hand down. "One of my father's old friends, an alpha his son is now alpha and just had his first child, a son, it's customary for us to go congratulate him." Go to another pack? My eyebrow rose in disbelief. "He's mated and you'll be with me so it's okay." Of course.

"Should I cover my scars?" I wondered looking down at him.

Ryder didn't even skip a beat as he gently kissed my neck. "Only if you want to." What's with guys? So afraid to give a wrong answer.

"That's not helpful at all." I teased.

Ryder pouted. "I'm very helpful." He argued. "I run a pack."

"I run a pack." I mimicked. His pout turned to a scowl. "That's what you say to everything. What'd you do today? I ran a pack. Why're you so tired? I ran a pack."

His hand covered my mouth. "I don't always say that." His fell away and I stood up.

Walking to the bathroom I looked over my shoulder. "Why haven't I seen you much lately?"

"I've been running a pac-" I think he figured it out.

Walking back in in my pjs, I crawled into bed. Slowly he joined me. "Go meet the alpha with me Saturday. Afterwards I want to take you out on a date." As he spoke his arms circled me from behind.

About time. Smirking to myself I nodded. "Goodnight Ryder."

"Goodnight Red."

Sorry it's so late! Life is HAPPENING. God it's hard to like someone you can't quite figure out. Anyway thanks for reading! :)

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