Chapter 15: 'Talks' With Damon

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Ryder pulled me along with him, up to our room. Going straight to the bathroom, I slipped out of my dress and stockings into my PJs and splashed my face with water, washing away both my make up and my blood.

Taking out the clips, my hair fell down around me. This is the real me. I don't dress up and cook big dinners for guests. I especially don't meet parents.

Walking back into the room, Ryder was sitting up on our bed, his back to me. Walking over, I wrapped my arms around his torso, nuzzling my head into his neck. Mmm. Ryder always smells like fresh pine and rain. He turned in my grip, pulling me into his lap instead.

"Red I'm so sorry about that." I only laughed. "Dinner was delicious though. Did you make that all yourself?" He wondered. I nodded and he grinned. "Good.Now you get to make dinner."

I shook my head at him. "I'm not the Betty Crocker kind of girl." He rolled his eyes at that.

"Thank you." He whispered. "For stopping Damon for me."

Brushing back a piece of hair, I nodded. "Of course."

"Speaking off, I think I owe you two a talk."

Nodding I watched his eyes shift almost imediatly, before they grinned. I sat up and he pulled me to his chest. "Evening Love," he told me in a husky voice. Rolling my eyes, I pushed his chest. He didn't seem to like that, holding me tighter. "Don't ever leave my arms," he demanded.

"Come here Damon," I told him.

We layed down side by side and his arm wrapped around my shoulders. "As an Alpha, I am very territorial love." Weaving his fingers through mine, he stroked my palm with his thumb. "I don't care if he's my beta, I don't want you touching other men." Yeah that's very territorial.

Rolling on my side, I stared into his eyes over his shoulder. "There are many ways of touching someone: motherly, friendly, lovingly, murderously, sadistically. I've felt them all." His face contorted, but I brushed my fingertips over his lips. "No man could ever take your place." I assured.

Such a look of relief and joy covered his face. Damon rolled over, eyes glowing. His one elbow on the matress, his hand wove into my hair, the other arm pulling my body flush against his, before he kissed me passionatly.

His lips melded with mine. My fingers knotted into his hair, pullling me even closer to him. He licked my bottom lip for entrance to deepen the kiss, but I playfully denied. Growling into the kiss, he rolled us so that I was on my back and he hovered over me, careful not to crush me.

He gripped my waist, causing me to gasp as he deepened the kiss. When we both came up for air, he continued kissing down my neck, speaking between each kiss. He whispered sweet nothings all the way to my collar bone.

Stoping he looked up at me, meeting his amber eyes with my green ones. "Let me mark you, so that every man will know." He practically begged and he looked so hot doing it, but why he wanted to made my heart swell.

"Yes." I whispered. His eyes shimmered. His lips crashed onto mine a moment, before sliding down my jaw and neck to my collar bone. He left a long kiss there and I felt heat and sparks errupt through my body.

I watched his canines extend and watched them bite into my flesh. Most girls would have screamed, but to me, this pain had more meaning that any I'd felt before. He removed his teeth licking the wound and kissing the skin. Taking his head in my hands, I pulled him back to my lips. Taking back control, he dominated the kiss.

This time when we pulled apart, he rolled back onto his back and I laid my head on his shoulder. "Damon," I breathed. "I want you and Ryder to know, you are the first person not to care that I was a hunter, to accept me anyway, and I can't tell you how thankful I am for that." For a moment I worried he didn't hear me.

"Of course." His lips pressed to my forehead gently. "Goodnight Love." And like that we fell asleep.

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