Chapter 34: Humans

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My knife flew quickly, gracefully. Chopped bits slid into the pan as I cooked dinner. "Red" Louis stood, eyes fogged over. His eyes returned and he looked worried. "One of the human mates has been attacked." I nodded at him, dropping my knife and sprinting out after him.

We ended up in the hospital wing. Many pack were there and they all nodded as we passed. Ryder stood outside the room gripping onto a frantic man probably in his early thirties.

"I have to be with her!" the man cried, frantic.

Ryder's grip tightened on his shoulders. "You have to let our doctors save her." there was sympathy lining his stern voice.

Just then the door opened and Doc Wen stepped out, looking grim I might add. "We are doing our best, but the situation is grim. She's not able to regenerate like us." He looked back down at his clip board. "The blood loss is extensive."

"Take mine!" the man cried but Doc shook his head.

I walked up to Doc, the two noticing me for the first time. "She can take my blood." I informed.

His brow furrowed. "But Luna don't Humans have blood types and. . ." He began to mutter and stutter.

I pushed him to the side. "You might be the best werewolf doctor but when it comes to humans your an incompetent fool." walking in the room I saw her laying in a bed, a deep gash in her stomach they were putting pressure on.

"Close the wound!" I commanded, taking an IV. They all took one look at me before doing so. "Wrap the minor cuts, stop all the excess blood flow."

I connected my arm directly to hers, my O- blood mixing with hers as I flexed my fingers.

Beginning to feel light headed I pulled out my IV. Her pulse was stabilizing a bit, but still pretty low.

They'd stitched her up and everything was wrapped, but I knew her blood was still too low.

Redoing the IV, I leaned on the chair for support. "Are you alright Luna?" one of the nurses asked and I only nodded, closing my eyes.

My heart beat echoed in my head and I knew I was loosing too much blood. It wasn't something I wished to repeat, pulling out the IV and hoping it would be enough.

The nurses had stopped. There was nothing else we could do. "Let her mate in."

The door swung open and he ran in. Immediately her hand was in his. Walking out I walked right into Ryder's arms. He took my pulse and frowned. "You gave too much." I know.

"It doesn't matter as long as she makes it." he nodded, hugging me tight.

The two of us walked over to sit in two empty waiting room chairs. "You know you shouldn't have said that to Wen. It was like a knife to his heart and a dozen to his pride."

My head was too heavy to care. "Lecture me when I'm awake." I mumbled and passed out.


Feeling the rumble of Ryder's chest made me stir. I could hear his voice and that of a woman as I slowly sat up in my chair.

"You woke her." Ryder growled threateningly.

Looking up, the poor nurse was practically shaking. "Yes?"

She gave me a small apologetic smile. "It's time to check the patient's vitals, and I'm afraid we aren't as skilled with the human." Almost embarrassed to admit it her gaze flickered away.

"Of course." I must have stood up too fast because my vision blurred and I felt Ryder steady me.

Looking back he had a deep scowl. At least he was no longer glowering at the nurse.

We walked into her room. Her mate still clutching her hand, looking exhausted.

He looked up at me with worried eyes. "Luna." looking back at his mate I knew how he felt. How long had I clutched Ryder's hand?

Moving beside him I reached for her hand. "May I?" Slowly he nodded.

Watching the monitors I took her pulse. A small smile spread over my face, as I set her hand back in his.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "She's going to make it." Such pure relief flooded his features as he leapt to his feet, capturing me in a bear hug.

"Thank you Luna. So much." He whispered as I gently hugged him back.

He returned to his seat, waiting for her to wake and I left to give them their space.

Ryder was waiting for me when I exited. He frowned, probably smelling the guy.

Taking my wrist I felt him take my pulse. "You're still weak." he lectured and I rose an eyebrow. "I may not know about humans, but I know your heartbeat." he whispered.

Some how that made me smile. It was sweet in a strange sense. He took my hand, leading me out of the now emptying hospital wing. Seeing the nurse I pulled Ryder over to her.

Her head dipped in greeting. "Alpha, Luna. May I help you?" her tone was polite but her hands twisted nervously.

I could see Ryder glaring and elbowed him. "Could you please make sure the girl's mate is taken care of? That he eats and what not?" Looking up in surprise a wide smile spread over her face.

"Of course Luna." With that she hurried off.

Ryder walked us back home. Standing at the base of the stairs I began to dread it, but refused to show weakness.

Moving towards the first step I felt an arm behind my back and legs before I was swept up into Ryder's arms.

"Ryder!" I hissed.

"Ssh, no one can see us. Just rely on me this once love."

Sighing I simply let him carry me up the stairs where he set me on the bed.

He slid off his shoes before laying down beside me. "I don't like what you did, but I'm glad you did it." He whispered.

My finger slid over his lips and along his jaw. "When I saw the way he gripped her hand, all I could think of was you. How scared I had felt when it was you." His hand reached out and cupped my cheek softly.

"I love you and I won't leave you." he swore. Nodding I wrapped my arms around his torso.

His arms wrapped around me, playing with my hair gently until I once again fell asleep.

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