Chapter 19: Our Life Support

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Hey guys sorry I've been scarce lately. Been at a camp, trying to update everyday but had no free time yesterday. Today's the last day, thanks for your patience. This chapter is dedicated to SheWolfz!


Ryder was hooked up to a morphine drip in a bed in the pack hospital. It's been four hours since he was shot and he hasn't woken up yet.

His parents came in for two hours, but when I refused to leave his father had to drag his mother from the room with a sad look on his face. Natalie had been by twice demanding to be the first to know everything, but was ignored for the most part.

Alec told me not to let them get to me but guilt for his mother still consumed me.

Holding Ryder's hand, I stayed in a chair beside him. The door opened and I looked up at Alec.

He held a big brown paper bag and sad smile. "I brought dinner." he offered.

I just looked back at Ryder. Sighing Alec knelt beside me. He placed his hand on my knee. "Red, I know you haven't eaten in over seven hours." he pleaded, but I didn't respond. "Please Red." Looking back at him I knew he was worried.

With a deep breath I gave him a small smile. He smiled back at me, pushing the bag my way.

In the bag was a container of soup and crackers. "I didn't think you'd be hungry." he muttered.

Setting down the bag, I threw my arms around him. Startled he stood, lifting me off my feet as he hugged me back. "Thank you Alec. For being here." he just hugged me back before setting me down.

"Always." he promised letting me go. "I'll be outside if you need anything." he informed before leaving.

Sitting back down I wove my fingers through Ryder's. Some time later I passed out.

Alec's POV

I stood beside the door, arms crossed over my chest and my head down for hours.

Beginning to doze a clearing throat startled me. Looking up I saw Jake in front of me, and released my breath. "Hey Jake." I muttered.

"Hey man." he leaned against the wall beside me. "Go catch some Z's. I'll keep an eye on her." he offered.

My head shook. "Since when were you two close?" My humor was dry from my lack of energy and I could feel him scowling at me.

"Despite what you think, I don't dislike her." I asked him 'why's that'? "When we met I'd been saying I wasn't a babysitter and she calmly told me she could handle herself, and I didn't have to come, but if I was worried about Ryder's reaction we could join her." I looked up at him in surprise.

I found myself chuckling. "That's about right." Admitting it made him laugh too.

Jake turned to me. "Come on man. I didn't become the third for nothing. You'll be no use to anyone like that." he reasoned.

I'd heard enough. Enough to give in. "Alright, alright already. I get it. I'll be back in a few hours. I'm going to tell Red first." I informed and he rolled his eyes, taking over my spot and my position.

I opened the door slowly as not to spook her. Red had her head down, slouching for the first time I had yet to see. What caught my eyes was her bare arm. I hadn't wanted to stare before, but now that I saw the soft rise and fall of her sleeping form I did.

In the chaos I think Dr. Wen and I are the only ones who noticed the scars running up her now bear arm. I thought she was just cold but I wonder if her long, conservative clothes may have been to cover them.

Her scars. Red was pale, but the scars were lighter, more reflected and covered her in varying directions. Some looked very large and ghastly. You could see sets of ripping claws. One set in particular was huge and I could only imagine the damage and recovery time. Especially for a human.

The thought alone enraged me. My blood boiled and I wanted so bad to take revenge. I could only imagine what Ryder would do . . . Was that it? She didn't want him to see? I don't get why but he wouldn't like it.

Realizing I was watching her sleep like a creep, I shook my head. Looking over, I noted the other bed. Since it was on wheels I pulled it up next to Ryder's and the chair.

My arms circled her when a hand had my throat. She wasn't awake, but her body was alert, and giving me a heart attack. "Red, it's just me." I mumbled and she let go.

Placing her in the bed, I smile hit my face. Even subconsciously she trusts me, and I took pride in that. Moving the chair they now lay side by side, fingers entwined again.

Smiling I whispered goodnight and went to bed myself.

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