Chapter 32: Ancient History

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So I decided it was time to share Red's past with the rest of you because it really explains why she is the way she is. Mwahaha I've known since the book started. ;) Well enjoy!


"Red." I snuggled deeper into the sheets. "Come on Red wake up." My shoulder shook and grudgingly I looked up at Ryder. "WE have to go meet Alpha Blaze." He reminded and I scowled. "Too bad. You promised. Let's go." With that he smacked my butt and jumped out of bed.

Reluctantly I rolled out of bed and hopped in the shower before him. My little bit of casual revenge.

Dressed in all black as always, I got in Ryder's pick up truck. It was funny because it didn't match my image of him.

We drove out onto the other pack's territory. Several wolves greeted us at the border, running us up to the pack house. Climbing up a few of them looked up at me in surprise, but they didn't look long. I knew Ryder was glaring daggers at them as he wrapped his arm around my waist. Such a baby.

Rolling my eyes I pulled him to the front door. A tall man, not much older than me stood before us, but what stunned me, was how much he and I look alike. It seemed to have stunned him too. Same green eyes and bright red hair. He didn't have any freckles either.

A sudden thoughts of my past jolted through me like ice in my veins. Breath caught in my throat, I quickly took a deep breath, recomposing myself. "Alpha Blaze, it's nice to meet you." Blinking he nodded, shaking my hand.

He hadn't let go yet and Ryder growled at him. "Oh, sorry." He muttered stepping to the side. "Won't you come in?"

Smiling I responded. "Actually I left something in the car, one moment." He nodded and I pulled Ryder back into the truck.

"What is it Red?" He asked worriedly.

I stared down at my hands. "This isn't how I wanted to tell you."

"Tell me what?" He sounded on edge and I understood.

I slid my hand over his, gripping it tightly. "My past. Ryder, there's a good chance Alpha Blaze is my brother." Shock replaced all edginess in his features.

He squeezed my hand gently and I sighed. "My father was a werewolf. My mother was a hunter. My grandmother was one of the greatest hunters of all time. My parents were mates and tried to hide it from her. My mother had twins. Blaze and I. Blaze began to shift when were were still babies. Grandma never let them leave with both of us, and father needed an alpha male to take over, so" my breath hitched, but I took a deep breath and continued. "they took Blaze and ran to the pack, leaving me for dead. What they didn't know is my grandmother knew all along." Smiling at him sadly, his hand cupped my cheek and he kissed my forehead.

"We can leave if you like?" He offered.

Shaking my head I gave a humorless laugh. "They were bound to find out at some point. Besides, I have no reason to hide from them." Turning to open my door I shrieked.

There stood Blaze with a shocked expression. "Is it true?" He whispered and I could only nod.

He turned to another wolf. "Bring my parents to the foyer." He demanded. Slowly Ryder and I followed him in. Blaze kept looking at me and I kept looking at him. Blaze lead us back to a kitchen area. "Will you wait here while I confront them? I want to figure this all out now." He admitted and we agreed.

Peeking around I watched a couple enter. She had bright red hair and blue eyes. He had brown hair and green eyes. He was tall, she was short and slender. "Yes Honey?" She asked sweetly when she entered.

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