Taokaka x Male!Reader - Sandwiches, The Sequel

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 After some weeks later after meeting the catgirl known as Taokaka, or just Tao as she asked to be called, the two of you had already had several hangouts for quite some time now, ranging from simple hangouts to movie nights. You had grown fond of Tao, and even if she had a short attentionspan, she always paid attention to you, and seemingly never lost the track of thought in your conversations. A single complaint of her becoming more familiar with you, she started to bring her friends and fellow Kaka along with her. This mainly meant buying gratuitous amounts of fish, fish and MORE fish, and the occasional sandwich. It wasn't really that much because there was a lot of people, it was that those small Kaka tended to try and steal stuff from your home, ranging from sandwiches to the TV, wires included. Whenever this kind of larger-scale theft was about to happen, Tao or one of the older Kaka would always stop them, and bring the stolen goods back.

Later on, you were starting to feel concerned about Tao; she didn't ask to come over, but her clan members did, but thankfully someone always brought back what the little ones tried to steal. At the moment, you were having a chat with one of the elders of the Kaka village.

"So, do you have any idea on what's with Tao?I haven't seen her lately." you asked the elderly cat-thing.

"Well, she's isolated herself in her room, so I can't say (First)." the elderly Kaka replied. This sounded concerning. Even though you'd gladly come to her village to say hi, you couldn't, since that area had dangerous amounts of seithr in the air, so you couldn't go there without risking your health.

"That sounds bad." you said. "Do you have any idea on why, exactly?"

"Not really," the elder replied, "but I've heard her mutter things in her room, but I can't get any clarity of it. I'm so old, and my hearing has had its better days, you see."

"Well, that's a shame." you said, disappointed. "The fact that you don't know what's she's on about, that is."

"I can understand how you feel." the elder said, "Tao's a very nice girl, and this sudden isolation from others seems suspicious, since she's usually so very open."

"How about I send her a letter?" you asked, thinking of a way to get contact with Tao, "I could write one, where I'd ask her to come over, and with no others to interrupt us. And maybe put a sandwich in there, just in case."

"Sounds good. Go do that." the elder replied to your idea. Right after that you went into your room. You grabbed a post card and started writing. You kept the message simple, but tried to convey your emotions. After you finished the letter, you grabbed a sandwich from the fridge and put it in a simple paper bag, and attached the letter to the bag with a piece of tape. You sat back down opposite to the elder. You handed the bag to her.

"I'll make sure that she'll get this (First)." the elder said, holding the bag in her hand.

"I appreciate the help." you said, "There's nothing worse for me than losing someone that I truly care about.". The elder left, along with several younglings that came along with her, which were playing games on your gaming console to pass the time until "the old people stopped talking". Now your household was empty once more; usually Tao would still stay for an extra while after everyone would leave, but now that she wasn't here, you had the feeling that something was missing, something that without of the day would seem incomplete.

Meanwhile, at the Kaka village, in the house where the catgirl known as Taokaka was lying in her room. She felt troubled about how well his new friend (First) had befriended the people of her village. Their connection was no longer special, and even though she could stay with him after the others left, there was no "just Tao and (First)" time, just "(First) and the Kaka village" time. This made her sad, as she could no longer spend time with her friend, and she had given up on coming with her village members. She hoped that she would someday have her special time with him again. She could only think of (First). However, as she rolled back and forth on her bed, mumbling unintelligible nonsense about herself and her friend, there was a knock at the door. She momentarily came back to her senses, listening for something or -one at the door.

"Tao, (First) has mail for you." spoke out the voice of the Kaka elder. Tao's ears stood up and her tail froze in place in response to the surprise of what the elder said. Tao dashed to the door, opened it, yanked the paper bag from the hand of the elder, and slammed the door shut as quickly as she had opened it. Unseen to Taokaka, the elder was smiling, knowing that Tao would more than happy of the letter. As Tao sat down on her bed, she tore open the bag and started eating the sandwich. As she munched on the sandwich, Tao read out what your letter said:

"Hello Tao! Since you haven't been showing up, I became worried about you. I don't know why you've remained in your room for this long, but if you want, you can come over to my place, just the two of us. I hope you liked the sandwich, I reserved it for you. Sincerely, (First)". Tao was touched by your letter's simple but sincere message. Finally she could have that special time with you again. The next day, a Sunday, you had just finished eating, and were sitting on your couch. The silence was a nice change, as most of the time you always had at least three other people in your house, which usually did or did not try to steal your belongings. Soon, you heard a knock at the door. You had a gut feeling that it was Tao. And you were right; Tao was there standing at the door, with no other
Kakas in sight.

"So, you got my message?" you asked her.

"Y-yeah," she said, clearly nervous, "did you really mean what you said on it?"

"Yeah! Would I lie to you?" you replied, looking at her mildly confused.

"Sorry, I just had to ask." she replied, embarrased by her question. "So, can I come in?"

"Of course!" you said, stepping aside. This felt reminescent of the first time she came to your door. You smiled happily, and soon followed Tao to the living room.

"So, did you like your sandwich?" you asked.

"Yeah, it was great." she said with a quiet voice.

"Is something wrong?" you asked, concerned at her being so quiet.

"It's just that I don't know that I should do." she replies, shaking nervously, with tears starting to form in her eyes. "I just don't know what to do!" she cries, bursting into tears. You sit down next to her, placing your hands around her, trying to comfort her.

"Please don't cry." you tell her, "Just tell me what you mean, and I'll try and help.". She soon calmed down, wiping the tears off her face. She kept quiet for a moment, holding you tight. After a while, she looked at you, with the cutest, most genuine smile on her since ever.

"Thanks (First), I really appreciate it." she said.

"No problem, Tao. Anytime." you replied to her. That day went really well in your opinion. The two of you had a great time, playing games on your console like usual, but after she beat you for the fourth time, she paused the game and turned to face you.

"Can I ask something (First)?" Tao asked.

"Sure," you replied, as sincere as always, "what is it?"

Well, this might seem a bit weird and all, but how much do you like me?" Tao asked, "And how do you like me? You know, like, uhm... uhh..." she started fumble with the last of the words.

"Take a moment and say what you mean then." you said, trying to help. Tao waited for a moment, scratching her head and looking around. After a moment of thinking, she put her finger up, signifying that she invented what she meant to say.

"What I tried to ask, was that what am I to you as a person?" she asked. This was a bit of a difficult question for you. You thought on how to respond. You really liked Tao, since she was really open and energetic, brightening your day up. As a person, she was incredibly important to you. If she wouldn't have been as important as she is, you wouldn't have asked her. You noticed that Tao was looking at you with anticipation.

"Well, I really like you, since you're so happy and energetic," you said, "and as a person, you're really important to me. Hell, I think that without you my life would really suck."

"And now I'd like to know the answer to those same questions from you about me." you continued. After a moment of nervous looking around, Tao spoke up:

"If I'm gonna be honest, I have super-big crush on you." Tao said, with a deep blush. Even though you were not really surprised, it still was a bit unexpected of her. You didn't mind, of course.

"Is that so?" you asked her, "Dont't get me wrong, I don't mind.", you added, shrugging. By the time you had only blinked, she had already jumped at you and taken you to a tight hug. After a moment, she loosened her grip and let you go. You rubbed your sides due to the force of her grip.

"You gotta be a bit gentler with your hugs, I might have to go to a hospital at this rate." you told her.

"Sorry! I just got excited!" she said, looking sorry. You chuckled and patted her shoulder, trying to be nice. She put her head against your shoulder, a quiet purr audible. You didn't quite know that the could do THAT, but you put yourself a mental note on the subject.

"So, are we gonna go on a date?" Tao asked you, giving you a sweet smile.

"Sure, maybe not now though." you replied. As the two of you just sat there, happy that both of you were together, you were caught off guard by something jumping from the bush. It was one of the younger Kakas, and it had a camera. It snapped a picture, then ran off as fast as it appeared.

"That's a shame, now it won't be a surprise." you said, not really minding that the little thing took a picture, but you still thought it was a bit of shame, since Tao will most likely get no rest from her village members. Tao left some time later, giving you that quick peck on your cheek again. As you watched the catgirl happily stroll away, you touched the cheek she kissed, smiling. Now you had a girlfriend that would continue to make you happy.

After Taokaka got back to her village, she jumped in sheer joy on the way. Once she reached the village, she was confronted by one of the village elders, accompanied by that same youngling Kaka that took the picture. As Taokaka was mildly confused as what the elder was going to say, the elder spoke out:

"So, how did it go?" the elder asked.

"Really well!" Tao said, bursting with joy as she went into her house, happily humming a tune as she went.

"That's good." the elder replied, laughing slightly before walking into his house with the photo of you and Tao, putting it in the shredder.

"Why'd you do that?" the young Kaka who took the picture asked.

"It's better to give them some time." the elder replied, giving the young one of your self-made sandwiches.

"If you keep quiet, you can keep that. Understood?" the elder asked the youngling, receiving an excited nodding in response. You and Taokaka could have some time to go on dates, and wouldn't get bothered, and the Kaka youngling would get a sandwich. Little did you know, each time that you and Kaka went on a date, the little Kaka would take a picture of the two of you, and put it in a photo album full of pictures of you and Tao, along with a safety copy of the picture he took that night when you and Kaka started your relationship.  

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