Oda Nobunaga (Demon Archer) x Male!Reader

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You were a relatively average bloke, a magus, yes, but pretty average. Instead of devising meticulous plans or being a master strategist, you had the mind of a scientist. And this allowed you to realize the childhood dream that some could never achieve; Ki Energy projection. You could exert your magical energy as orbs or beams of energy that could actually harm some weaker servants. 

But, things didn't go too well. Your first servant had managed to forge a contract with someone else and betray you. And the last time you had checked, you hadn't really done anything to deserve the abandonment. Maybe she just didn't enjoy your company or didn't deem you worthy of being her master. Either way, it had left you with a sour taste and a distrust towards servants, which is why you hadn't summoned a new one. 

You were minding your own business, working at an average-wage office job. 

While you were at it, your phone rang. You checked the caller. It wasn't any of your contacts, being an unknown number. However, due to common courtesy, you replied to the call. 

"(First) (Last) speaking." you replied to it.

"Yeah, hi, it's me." a friend of your spoke, "Got a new phone recently, so there's that."

"Alrighty then." you said, "So, did you just call me to give me your new number or did you have something to tell?"

"Well, I just think you should give having servants a shot." he said, "While I get that it hurts that your old servant betrayed you, I recommend you try summoning a new one and maybe avert being all alone all the time. 'Cuz I know for sure that you aren't making new friends at the moment." 

"...Well, I suppose you have a point." you said, "But I don't know if it's worth it. It could turn out really, REALLY bad, like when that one guy summoned Tiamat."

"That summoning was apparently faulty according to a source of mine." your friend said, "And also, I've heard some Solo Servants to be roaming around, having no real other than fighting any and all Magi that come in their way." 

"Well, in that case I'll look into it." you said, "But if it's some crazy girl or something to that effect, I'll blame you." 

"If that helps you sleep." he replied, "But just try to stay optimistic. Even when shit's hit the fan, we can be happy we've got the right and freedom to choose." 

"Hm, true." you said, "Haven't heard anything good about places where your free will is limited, be it by limiting free speech or the ability do things. I'll see what happens." 

"That's the spirit. See ya." he said.

"Yeah, bye." you replied before ending the call.

You sighed.

"Alright, let's give it a shot once I'm outta here." you said as you kept working.

After a hard day of work, you headed out to another friend of yours who ran a specific sort of shop, one that sold various summoning materials for any summoning needs of magi. Of course most people didn't think much of it, as this friend of yours also sold scented candles.

You entered the shop, the bell ringing softly.

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