Jeanne d'Arc Alter(Avenger) x Male!Reader

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You were a magus, but unlike a magus, you were a unique case among the most recent generation. Your father was a well-known magus and your mother was a distant descendant of a powerful family of magi. Their union, which had your father fall out of favor with his family, had produced you, a magus with an affinity towards black magic. Where other magi tended to summon magic missiles or something of the like, you'd end up bringing forth a fireball made of black flames or just pure darkness which would corrode its way through almost everything. Needless to say, the magi that knew of your presence didn't like the thought of a magus with an affinity towards destruction and corruption. Well, some didn't go assuming things, but many of the younger and superstitious ones were quick to consider you a threat. 

Not that it was a problem. You were otherwise a fairly normal man, save for your familiar being a mothereffin' black dragon and that your bank account's balance remained strongly positive almost always, your share on your father's company being a wellspring of wealth in the markets.

Well, there were problems after they started summoning servants to do their bidding. Then it was more of that they'd try to just best you in combat or kill you to "stop you from becoming a threat to humanity" or whatever it was that they went on about. Either way, apparently having an affinity towards the dark wasn't doing you any favors in terms of friends with the currently youngest generation of magi, but made your life otherwise much more interesting. 

So one day, you were just walking towards a grocery store to get some noodles and chicken to make a wicked good dish of spicy chicken noodles. 

However, your pleasant stroll was cut short when a master and a servant interrupted you. It was your rival, a young man with a foul attitude and a distaste towards dark magic users such as yourself. Accompanying him was a knight templar, wielding a white banner with a red cross and a sword.

"It's about time we brought your future reign to a timely end before it even begins!" your rival declared.

"I shalt purge this heretic with the power of my faith!" the knight declared in a voice that dripped with religious fervor and a hint of mania. 

A large pulsing tick marked formed on your forehead. This was the fifth time he kept on hounding after you. The last five times he had managed to kick your ass good, but had never succeeded in killing you thanks to dumb luck granting you a means of escape. 

But now you were getting sick of his antics.

"You know what? Two can play at that game." you stated.
"If you insist on trying to kill me all the time based on the shitty excuse that I'm gonna turn to some big evil, I'll just summon a servant of my own to even the odds!" 

You then cut your wrist, blood dripping down to the ground. 

"I summon you with my blood, Heroic Spirit! With it, I forge a contract with thee!" you said as the blood formed a summoning circle in front of you, which then started glowing bright red. 

"This is exactly reason why you're evil!" your rival said, "Only evil people summon servants using blood-based magic circles!" 

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