Fem!Jotaro x Male!Reader - Part 2

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 You were walking around town, looking for a place to eat. You felt like eating something different. You had been eating at buffets, fast food restaurants and the like, but you had had enough of those for the time being.

Unbeknownst to you, a duo of high school students were watching you from a distance. They both had a pompadour haircut, though the other one's was absurdly large.

"You sure this is the guy, Jousuke?" the young man with the smaller pompadour asked his friend.

"If Yuuya's description was right, this is definitely our guy." the other one replied, "Now, remember. We don't know how large this guy's stand's range is, but once we're in that range, we're screwed."

"But how big is that range?" the other one asked, "Yuuya didn't really tell ya that, did he?"

"That's exactly the problem." the one with the big pompadour replied, "We can't say if he's already noticed us and if we're in his range or not."

"I'm not that smart, but I think we shouldn't try fighting this guy." the other one replied, "'cause even if you'd get in range with Crazy Diamond, you probably wouldn't get to hit the guy even once."

"Yeah, his stand's apparently crazy fast, since it apparently can appear and move around at a moment's notice." the big-pompadoured youth said.
"We should probably try asking a few questions before we do anything."

You looked around, but saw no restaurants. You felt a bit annoyed by the fact that all the restaurants in Morioh were basically either fast food restaurants, ones with traditional Japanese traditional cuisine or buffets, with only a few different ones that were harder to find than a shooting star on a sunny day. Your thinking was interrupted by someone speaking to you;

"Uh, excuse me sir?" you turned around, and saw two teenagers, the ones who had been watching you without you knowing. The one who had spoken to you was the one with the larger pompadour.

"Yeah, what is it?" you asked, slightly taken aback by the suddenness of the situation. After all, people rarely paid any attention to you in the first place. It didn't help you hadn't ever met these two people.

"I just wondered if you know anything about this?" the one with the larger pompadour said, showing you a picture of an ornate arrow. You immediately identified it. It was the arrow that you had been hit some weeks ago.

"Yes, what about it?" you asked. You already looked at these two young men in a different light. Did they know something about this arrow? Could they possibly know about your apparition, even possess ones themselves? You knew that you had to be on your guard and prepare your stand for the worst case scenario. You could never know if these two were trying to have you lower your guard.

"We'd like to know if you've seen it or people who have been hit by it." he asked. 

"Uh, just wondering, would you mind telling me why you wanna know that?" you replied, trying to find out the two teenagers' intentions.

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