Gurren Lagann - The Next Generation, Part 2

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Going by the standard milestone style, the first part was published at 100 views, and now that the views have surpassed 250 quite nicely, the second part arrives.

Enjoy! -SgtGreencube

You were making some upgrades to Kingann's system. After having met Greencube, an Ascended Anti-Spiral, which was a state in which a sentient entity capable of using Spiral Energy is overloaded with the energy while also exposed to an intrinsic field remover. 

This combination of power enhancements apparently allowed Greencube to evolve from a human to an omnipotent entity in mere moments. Afterwards, he had been rendered an entity whose existence was independent of all time and spice, with the only reason he wasn't wreaking havoc as a villain being his set of morals and sense of responsibility. 

Either way, you had upgraded Kingann to also have a spaceship mode, as you had been told you would be dealing with combat in space and other non-gravity situations. So flight and a spaceship mode for faster transport through the blackness of space it was. The changes were only in the form of boosters mounted on the back, shoulders and feet. You had also added additional Imagine Emitters into Gunman's systems to grant more options. 

Mira and Lee had already made the necessary upgrades themselves, Mira being a skilled mechanic and Lee having all sorts of connections to the shop circles that provided parts for Gunmen and similarly-sized vehicles.

"Well, that's done. Kingann V2 is complete!" you said, smirking at the glory of the golden Gunman.

Just then, your surroundings gained inverted colors as the head of Ascendant Granzeboma, Greencube's incredibly powerful avatar-construct emerged from a black portal in the ground. 

"Greencube." you spoke its name as the green flaming skull stared at you. 

"Golden Warrior (First) (Last), it is time for you and your friends to join the fray." Greencube's avatar spoke.

"I'll make the call." you said as you pulled out your phone. 

"Oi Mira, Lee, Greencube says it's time to roll out. Are ya guys ready?" you asked them. 

"As ready as I could be, dearest (First)!" she said, "I'm getting all fired up!" 

"Yeah, ready." Lee said, "Where does the Green Giant want to meet us?" 

"Outside of town, like last time." Greencube said. 

"I suppose you got that one?" you said, "The guy's got a voice." 

"Yeah, I heard." Lee said, "We'll get there ASAP." 

"Alright!" Mira said, "Finally Rifell will see some real action instead of just dumb competition shootings!" 

"Hey, those were important!" Lee said to Mira, "By winning that Gunman shooting competition, you showed that our family still has the finest shooters in the galaxy!" 

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