Male!Reader x Scathach(Lancer)

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You were a Magus, an individual with a greater affinity for the arcane than the average man. You also possessed a veritable supply of mana within you, explaining how you were capable of potent spells when you put your mind to it.

And what did this amount to?

Well, after the most recent Holy Grail War began, you had become the Master of a Servant, a heroic spirit in human form.

You still remembered how you two first met.

You had been taking a nap, and then suddenly a female voice had spoken to you;

"Are you my master?"

You had replied yes, as you knew this was the sign you had been deemed worthy to participate in the Holy Grail War.

And that was how you had met Scathach, your alluringly beautiful Lancer-Class servant.

She was the quiet type, and had acted as if you two were business partners. She always seemed cold, distant and detached from all of it. After you managed to convince her to tell you her story, as you had first told her yours, she had enlightened you to her history.

Turns out, she had been a warrior-queen and a famed mentor back in her day. After slaying all manner of opponents, from mere men to gods, she had become immortal and detached from the world around her, left to wait for someone to kill her.

And while she never told you what her wish for the Holy Grail was, you were quite certain you knew it.

Your wish was to solve the energy crisis, plain and simple. You would wish for a sustainable, eco-friendly and overall superior source of clean energy for the whole world. And you were certainly the type that would not stop, no matter what obstacle, to achieve your goals.

Scathach told you that she admired your determination and bravery, as you had frequently shown a perseverance not unlike an immortal Heroic Spirit such as her . You had often taken seemingly lethal blows to your vital spots, but had survived them all, recovering from the injuries with remarkable speed while never backing down or staying on the ground for long.

"We're oddly similar, you and I, Master..." she had once told you after you had somehow survived being impaled on a sword, a trick you used to bind an enemy servant in place so Scathach could land the killing blow.

After some time, she had softened up to you. Maybe she had started to view you as something like a kindred spirit, being unable to die and having a strong will. 

In the beginning, she had displayed little interest in you, even indirectly talking down on you. But after the two of you shared your stories and intentions, she had become a bit like your estranged big sister, who had simply moved on to live her own life, but seemingly forgetting her family and past in the process. 

But Scathach had proven to be a kind, tender individual under that taciturn and seemingly indifferent attitude. She would often make you food and even doted on you when you had fallen ill. She had nursed you back to health in no time at all on several occasions. While she never admitted it, she did enjoy showing kindness towards her master.

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