Gurren Lagann - The Next Generation - Part 8

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4K view milestone, even if a bit late due to writer's block and whatnot. 

Not much else to say, but expect that this story won't be lasting for much longer. I'll think of something else for the milestones once this story is done. 

But now, enjoy, for the time for the final battle has come!

You were looking at your Kingann, now upgraded significantly, with various power-ups and weapons in its arsenal.

"What a sight." you said as you stood in front of the machine, a smile on your face. 

You then noticed Mira come over to you, hugging you.

"Ehehe~ how's my boyfriend?" she asked with a smile. 

"Great, and wondering when the next fight comes." you said, "If we've wiped out most of Asakim's forces, there can't be much left for us to do." 

"Speaking of," Greencube's avatar spoke, "I've noticed that Asakim's planning on doing something immensely desperate due to how effectively we managed to beat his army." 

"Well, what is it?" Justice Kabuto asked.

"He's going to a planet on his Shurouga Sin. The problem is that he's going there with his remaining units, but the worst thing is that said planet houses a deactivated Death Spiral Machine." Greencube's avatar stated.

"A Death Spiral Machine?" You asked, "What's that?" 

"A machine that converts Spiral Energy to a water-like ultra-dense space, effectively creating a singularity around itself." the avatar stated, "However, said machine, if destroyed or activated for said purpose, can also generate Spiral Energy. And I suspect he's planning on using said machine to either destroy the world using it, or possibly evolve his Shurouga Sin using Spiral Energy."

"Okay, that sounds bad. So, what are we gonna do?" you asked. 

"You will all interfere with that plan of his." the giant avatar stated, "And I do mean all of you. You're all needed to ward off the remaining forces of Asakim's DWN-model mechas." 

"And he's the sort of vile evil that won't negotiate, correct?" Roger asked. 

"Very much so. His sole objectives are to destroy and kill. Unfortunately for us, he's also very determined, so you'll have to all give it your all against him. But even if worst outcome was to happen, I believe that you will all prevail." Greencube said.

"Right." Apollo said, "We'll fight to the end." 

"For Britannia, I will give it my all." Lelouch said.

"For peace, I'll do my best." Shinji said. 

"For justice, my soul shall burn like like a brilliant supernova!" Justice Kabuto declared boisterously. 

"I'm in. If I know anything, its's how to fight!" Sousuke said.

"Of course I'll fight! If it brings peace to the world." Excellen said. 

"I will cut down evil without mercy." Sänger Zonvolt said. 

"To protect Mira, I'll do anything." Lee said. 

"I'll be coming, because I'm not letting my darling out of my sight~" Mira said with a smile. 

"And if it means fighting the good fight, I'll kick as much ass as I can!" you said, "Let's go! I'm ready!"

"Such a strong fighting spirit." Greencube said, "Alright, everyone get ready. I'm opening a portal to the planet's orbit, where I'll drop you off. Once there, all you need to do is get a good positioning around the entrance to the chamber where the Death Spiral Machine's been held." 

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