Florence Nightingale(Berserker) x Male!Reader

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You were a specialized homunculus, created to do battle at someone's behest. However, there was a flaw in your body. While you didn't age, as was intended, your problem lied in that you were a sickly, weak entity created in the image of man. You were supposed to possess inhuman strength, speed and overall physical superiority combined with a ferocious, unbreakable will, something possessed by the one from whose blood you were born of. They had nicknamed you "Ares" for the fact you were supposed to be a god of war, an unbeatable opponent on the field. 

But for some reason, you didn't possess the body to match your ferocity. You were instead a frail, young man with a slender build. This had made your creators despise you and abandon you despite having taught you so much. 

However, despite your weak bodily state, your potent magic circuits at least allowed you to function as a master for a servant. These magic circuits were accompanied by a mysterious brand on your neck in the shape of the Greek letter Omega. 

And in your case, you were lucky to have the Berserker-class servant Florence Nightingale by your side. Her healing skills were unmatched, and she had saved your hide more times than you willingly would admit during the current Holy Grail War. 

You had just fought another master, and like usual, your frail body had taken a good deal of damage. You had managed to kill him with a surprise knife strike to their throat. 

And like usual, your servant was tending to your wounds. 

"Hold still, I'm trying to stitch this wound up." she said as she stitched a hefty cut on your back. 

"Yeah yeah, I know angel." you said, referring to her by the nickname you had made up for her recently, as reference to her title as "Angel of Crimea".

"Heh, calling me an angel..." she said as she finished up the stitches.
"But I suppose it's fine." 

You then stood up and headed back down to your room. 

"You should rest, master." she said, "Moving around with fresh stitches isn't healthy." 

"This has happened so many times I've gotten used to it." you said, "I'm just tired of being unable to fight. I was supposed to be the ultimate fighter, a god of war made by man to slay their enemies." 

"You can wish for your strength back once we win this war." she said, "Until then, you must make sure to keep yourself healthy." 

"Yeah, yeah." you told her, "I might be forced to be weak, but it doesn't mean I'll ever grow to accept this state one bit. There must be a way to wake up the power inside of me." 

"Not sure if that's possible, but I recommend looking into those runes you have on your hands if you insist." Florence said, "But don't go overexerting yourself. You're injured, and your body needs time to heal." 

"Yes, mom." you said in an irritated tone. 

This drew the attention of another berserker-class servant who peeked up from a window. 

"Ara ara~ Did someone call me?" she said as she looked from the window with a motherly smile. 

Florence simply glared back at her, forming a scalpel from magic energy. 

"Nevermind~" she said as she disappeared from view.

You headed to a library in your friend's library. It was a mysterious entity from beyond the fabric of space and time. Its body was a polyp-like stalk of black substance, now reformed to be humanoid. He seemed to possess powers beyond your imagination, yet seemed to only use them when threatened. He possessed a peculiar home that appeared to be a small motel room on the outside but a vast castle on the inside. Either way, he was an agreeable individual who offered you the services of his library that seemed to possess almost any book or story in existence you could possibly want alongside other services. 

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