Fem!Jotaro x Male!Reader - Prologue

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Another one of my bigger stories from DeviantArt, brought here for your reading pleasure. 

The sole difference to the canon timeline, other than the obvious of Jotaro Kujo being a  woman, is that Yuuya Fungami, the Stand User of Highway Star, is already hospitalized and in possession of a stand by the time the reader gains his. And by the time the reader meets the gang, Yuuya has already joined their ranks (though remains inactive for the rest of the story, being there only for plot convenience).

This an eight-part dealio, so enjoy! -SgtGreencube

 You were walking around the town of Morioh, minding your own business and thinking about things. You weren't anything special, just another face in the crowd. Like a lot of your friends, you had an average job, an average income and an overall average style of living.

Your thoughts were interrupted when a sharp pain struck your back. You reached around your back and managed to yank the thing sticking to your flesh off. Looking at it, you saw that it was an intricate arrow. You looked around, trying to see if you could find the culprit. However, you were interrupted when you suddenly felt particularly unwell. Everything was fuzzy, spinning and your body felt just as bad, if not worse. Your sudden affliction quickly overcame you, and you fell to the ground, unconscious.

After a while of total and complete blackness, you woke up. While you could only see white, you could tell that you were in a hospital. It was fairly obvious once you heard a heart monitor beeping. After your eyes got used to the lighting, you looked around once again. You still had your clothes on, but your right sleeve had been rolled up, with an IV attached to your wrist. You then noticed a fairly young nurse looking at you.

"I see you have recovered, Mr. (Last name)." she said, "Thankfully someone called an ambulance when they found you. If not for them, you might have died."

"Yeah, it's good to be alive." you replied, "Any idea what happened to me?"

"I was almost sure you would know." the nurse replied to you in a surprised tone, "Still, it was a godsend that they got you here as fast as they did."

"But as it seems you've made a full recovery, I'll simply remove the IV, then you'll be free to go." the nurse continued. She then proceeded to remove the device from your wrist and placed a band-aid over the spot where the needle had been.

You then promptly left the ward, giving the nurse a wave as you left. You retrieved your phone, wallet and keys from the counter and made your way back towards your home. You checked the time on your phone. It seems you hadn't been out cold for that long, as the date was still the same. You had still been unconscious for a while, several hours if you were not mistaken. You then left for your home located close to the railway station. You entered your meager home, looking around. You walked to the small aquarium you owned to feed its residents. You then slumped down on your bed. You stared a the wall as you wondered what had happened. Who had shot you with that arrow? What happened to the arrow? And anyways, what the hell was it that happened when that arrow hit you? Was it poison? Some sort of a drug? These questions whirled around your mind.

Your thinking session was cut short, however, when you noticed something strange. You saw a semi-transparent humanoid figure. You blinked and rubbed your eyes. The figure was still there. Just what the hell was it? You pinched yourself to make sure your senses were not playing tricks with you. You felt a sting. This was real. You cautiously stood up, trying to get a better look at the figure. As if on demand, the figure fully materialized itself before your very eyes. You were now standing before the entity, staring at it as it stared back at you with its eyes.

Just what is this thing standing before you?

Just what the hell was going on right now?  






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