Monika(DDLC x Male!Reader

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 In the strange moment of silence where you locked eyes with the girls, your eyes slowly shifted to the girl with prominently green eyes and hair tied into a ponytail with a large bow, Monika.

She just had a small, polite smile as the two of you kept staring.

"See something you like?" she said in a semi-teasing tone, raising an eyebrow and leaning forward.

You shook yourself from the momentary trance.

"Not sure what you're going on about." you said, looking elsewhere.

Monika just smiled, quite pleased with the situation.

"ANY FUNNY BUSINESS AND I'LL SEE INTO THAT YOU'LL END UP MISERABLE, MONIKA. PLAY IT CLEAN." a voice boomed inside her head. She quickly glanced around the room, and saw the black entity standing there. It had assumed some sort of odd form, now having a pair of large, upward-pointing horns, no mouth and various green braid-like patterns running along its body. The eyes of the figure had the usual white eyes and a mysterious purple aura glowing around it. It then summoned a door with a knob on one side, placed it against the wall and floated behind it.

"TA-DAH!" its voice said in a voice oddly similar to Jim Carrey's.

It then slammed the door shut, which then disintegrated into brown pixels that faded from sight.

"Something wrong, Monika?" Sayori asked. 

"I-it's nothing. Just thought I saw, and possibly heard, a ghost." Monika replied.

Sayori looked to where Monika was looking.

"Don't see any ghosts." Sayori said.

"Nevermind." she said before shifting her expression to her usual polite smile, "So, let's get writing! After that, just pick who you want to share your poem with!"

You took one of your notebooks and took off a page, then took a pen and started to write. You put in all the effort you could into the poem, using well-considered choices of words and pacing.

After some time, everyone was finished with writing their poems. Your poem was about meeting new people. Fitting, even if not the pinnacle of innovation.

You decided to hand your poem to Monika, who took it with a smile before handing her poem to you.

You read her poem. It felt like the poem was telling about some sort of out-of-this-reality experience, talking about someone looking in.

"This poem is wonderful!" she said, "The theme suits you, having moved in recently!"

"Yeah, no deep themes, but you know." you replied.

"Oh, it doesn't matter." she replied, "The fact you can write poems as well as you can without massive effort is impressive!"

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