Katou Danzou (Assassin) x Male!Reader

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  You were a magus, and a surprisingly powerful one at that. While you lacked the creative and intellectual skills of a commonplace magus, instead being only average in these things, you had tempered your body and mind to reach a state where you could actually combat Servants and even counteract the Assassin Class' class skill of Presence Concealment. You had not given this ability a name, but had learnt it from your teacher, who had passed away recently. He had taught you martial arts, specifically a mix of Aikido and Jujutsu that focused on grapples, throws and redirecting enemy attacks.  

He was one of those masters who limited his deadliness, but he had taught you techniques for that as well. But he told you to actively refrain from using these offensive techniques, instead focusing your training you with the non-lethal techniques. Well, you had independently trained these darker techniques. He admitted that you showed a terrifying affinity for them, but you showed that you honored his wishes by diligently training both martial arts. He had shown his respect of this dedication by giving you a sleeveless gi with the dojo's insignia on its back, which was the a dark blue Big Dipper constellation. Under the gi you chose to wear your favorite t-shirt, and for pants you used white pants to go with the gi, and for shoes you used sneakers. 

Needless to say, you were a skilled fighter. Your nonlethal techniques were potent enough to take down foes heavier than you by using their weight and kinetic energy against them while the offensive, darker techniques were undeterrable in their terrible power. 

And this was quite fitting, as you were currently the master with the Assassin-Class servant Katou Danzou. She was a silent kunoichi whose body itself was a weapon, with her able to produce a variety of weapons and tools from her body. This combined with her Presence concealment and ninjutsu skills made her a powerhouse, even if her physical strength and durability were much less than that of many servants.

Either way, when she became your servant, she was... robotic, to put it nicely. She didn't elicit any sort of emotions. At all.

Not until you told her that she should cut the act, unless she wasn't. This had startled her slightly, having a master that allowed her to discover herself. And alongside this, she had even started to see you more as a mentor than a master.

After that she would often leave to see the world outside while you stayed at the dojo you inherited from your teacher, where you also had your home. It

And she was amazed at how much there was to do outside of her duties as your servant. Not that she forgot that responsibility, as the old feudal Japan's intense focus on duty and honor kept her from straying too far from you. She wouldn't be a good servant if she did. And on the rare occasion she didn't leave to experience life, you would often find her using your computer to discover and learn about the world. You didn't mind this, as you were often preoccupied by meditation, something you had to do on a regular basis to maintain the mental state to be able to use all your techniques. 

On one calm, sunny day, you were meditating on a specially-made pond with a path of stones to a larger stone where you now stood in a meditation pose. You stood on one foot, eyes closed and hands closed in prayer.

And the only sound that could be heard was the faint sound of the wind blowing and whizzing through the wind chime that hung from the roof's support pillars.

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