Gurren Lagann - The Next Generation, Part 3

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The 500-view milestone has been achieved, and as per standard, the story continues. Christ, I seriously need to find someone to make some artwork on the mechas used in this story. Just writing my stories without any artwork makes 'em seem so frickin' barren. 

Either way, enjoy!

You, Mira and Lee had spent the last day getting acquainted with your new teammates. 

Mira had hit it off with Excellen, both of them being peppy girls with a lot of spirit and an eagerness to get to scrapping enemy mechas. Both had the cheer and can-do attitude that some others lacked, but Excellen was the flirty type while Mira was a committed girl and only had eyes for you. 

Lee, on the other hand, had managed to ally himself with Roger Smith, both of them being levelheaded individuals with a penchant for peaceful methods. Both of them were willing to fight, but Lee was more focused on, if not outright obsessed with keeping up the family reputation, even if it had caused him to become quite oppressive, trying to restrain a free spirit like Mira.

You had found similar spirits who were fighting for what's right in Apollo, Sousuke Sagara, Shinji Ikari and Lelouch. All of you were here for the same reason, which was to protect their friends and the world.

Sänger Zonvolt was the de-facto team leader, as Greencube was more of a contractor. Justice Kabuto had been chosen as the second in command, as he was incredible as a team leader, even if he had gone through most of his life as a solo hero. But he knew  a good deal about team leading, as he had started leading a team after a while. 

But while you were getting pumped for the sparring session with The Blade That Smites Evil, the man himself was talking with the godlike contractor of your group. 

"Why can't we let Rätsel and Kyousuke Nanbu join the fray? They'd be invaluable assets to the fight!" the man declared from inside his mecha, the Dygenguar.

"I understand your point, but a team too large would be an immediate indicator that someone of my caliber would have organized the team." Greencube replied, 

"In other words, I've built a team that is just the right size. Any bigger and Asakim would immediately be able to tell that it was me who's behind this. And we can't let that happen."

"I see." Sänger replied, "But in order to maximize my effectiveness on the battlefield, I must demand you provide me with the means to use all my techniques!" 

"Need not worry, Zonvolt." Greencube said, "While I won't directly interfere most of the time, I will gladly provide you with the means with which to use your Tatsumaki Zankantou Ikkitousen."

"...Very well." Zonvolt said with a steely look, "I will see that you don't simply make promises." 

"Of course. Now, are you going to have that sparring session?" Greencube asked.

"Yes. I must see if this Golden Warrior of yours truly has the unbreakable will to defeat Asakim Dowen." the pilot of Dygenguar said as he walked towards you. 

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