Tamamo Cat (Berserker) X Male!Reader

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You were a magus with a very simple goal, which was that of living a happy life with those you considered friends. But as a master, that of the foxy servant known as Tamamo Cat, you had your own set of difficulties. 

These difficulties, however, were not enemy masters or servants. Not that they were a difficulty, as you were a fully capable magus with potent spells in your disposal. But that was nowhere close to the issue.

The problem was the fact that you lived with a roommate who was the master of Tamamo no Mae. And the two servants didn't go along well, as the tails of the original Tamamo bear a grudge against the foxy caster for "betraying" them. This rivalry was strictly between the two servants, as you and your roommate were on very good terms.

But even when the two foxy servants bickered, both you and your friend tried your best to keep up a peaceful lifestyle, as you'd rather not move out again just because the two servants kept arguing and even fighting at times. Your roommate was that good of a friend, after all, and the sizable apartment you shared with him was a bit too good to find a substitute to. 

It was just another day. Your friend was playing a guitar on the couch, the song he was playing being Meme Country by Avenged Tablefold. You had no idea how he did it, but he was able to make all the sound effects etc. by himself. You guessed he was just exceptionally skilled at manipulating soundwaves. 

"He who makes a MEME out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a TABLE!" he sang as he strummed the guitar to the tune, "Can't tell if this is true or real.

"LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~!" you continued as you laughed a bit at his performance. 

In the kitchen, Tamamo Cat was cooking away like usual, dressed in nothing but an apron. Being a more modest man, you certainly didn't understand the choice of clothing. You'd be content with the maid outfit or kimono, but for some reason, it just had to be an apron. 

"I try-y-y-y to FUK through the ni~ght!" your friend said as he kept playing the memetastic song.

"Why do you focus so much on meme songs?" Tamamo no Mae asked asked.

"Oh, let them play, Cat! They're just having fun." Tamamo Cat stated. 

"Says the one dressed in just an apron!" Tamamo snapped back.

"Says the girl that should be making the food instead of making someone else have to do the food for their dear masters!" Tamamo Cat said. 

"Look who thinks they're a cat yet barks like a dog!" Tamamo snarked right back. 

You then hopped off the couch and walked over to the kitchen. 

"Alright, cut it off you two." you said. 

"One of these days this apron-wearing cat will be honest about herself and say how much she likes you!" Tamamo snapped. 

"Huh?" you said. 

"Don't listen to this fox, master!" Tamamo Cat said, "She's just trying to embarrass me."

"Somehow I feel like her words hold a grain of truth." You said. 

"Well, I do like master..." she said. 

"...You two make me utterly confused." you stated, "First you say Cat lies, then she talks like she doesn't... Okay, now my head is hurting. I honestly just hope you could stop arguing and just tell me how things are. I'm gonna go take something cold to drink." 

You could no make sense with their arguments. Sure, Tamamo Cat did have some odd habits and occasionally did things opposite to how she said, but still, she was fairly earnest with her meanings. But the two arguing servants had left you so confused ou decided to just settle for keeping them from clawing each others' eyes out. 

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